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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce skive (audio)

Dictionary definition of skive

To intentionally avoid work or responsibilities, particularly by staying away or being absent from one's obligations without a legitimate reason.
"She planned to skive off early from work to attend a concert."

Detailed meaning of skive

When someone "skives," they engage in activities that distract them from their duties or obligations, such as deliberately taking time off or pretending to be ill. Skiving is typically done with the intention of evading work, avoiding tasks, or shirking responsibilities. It implies a lack of diligence, commitment, or dedication to one's duties or obligations. Skiving can occur in various settings, including school, work, or even social commitments. It is often considered a form of laziness or procrastination, as individuals prioritize leisure or personal interests over their required tasks or responsibilities. Skiving is generally regarded as an undesirable behavior, as it can lead to negative consequences, such as missed deadlines, poor performance, or strained relationships with colleagues or superiors.

Example sentences containing skive

1. If you skive today, you'll regret it when all your work piles up tomorrow.
2. Don't let me catch you trying to skive your duties again.
3. He decided to skive, letting his team carry the brunt of the project.
4. It's tempting to skive, but I've got to push through these assignments.
5. She won't skive, she's too devoted to her responsibilities.
6. You can't always skive your chores and expect others to do them for you.

History and etymology of skive

The verb 'skive' has its roots in British slang and is thought to have originated in the 19th century, particularly in the working-class dialects of England. Its precise etymology is not well-documented, but it likely emerged as part of the rich tapestry of colloquial language used by laborers and workers. 'Skive' gained popularity as a term to describe the act of intentionally avoiding work or responsibilities, often by staying away from one's obligations without a legitimate reason. It became associated with acts of truancy and idleness, reflecting a certain craftiness or cunning in dodging one's duties. The exact origins of 'skive' may remain somewhat mysterious, but its use as a word for shirking or evading work has persisted in informal language, particularly in British English.

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Further usage examples of skive

1. You may skive now, but eventually, you'll have to face the music.
2. I don't appreciate it when people skive their tasks and leave them to me.
3. It's your choice to skive, but don't forget that actions have consequences.
4. Despite the urge, he knew better than to skive his daily training.
5. If you skive today, who's going to complete the project on time?
6. They think they can skive without any repercussions, but that's not the case.
7. If you skive, it shows a lack of respect for your colleagues' time and effort.
8. It's unfair to skive and expect others to cover your responsibilities.
9. Despite her desire to skive, she stayed late to finish the report.
10. You can't skive every time the task gets a little challenging.
11. If you skive now, it will only create more work for you later.
12. She told her brother not to skive his piano lessons.
13. Don't think you can skive this important meeting; your input is needed.
14. When people skive, it sends a message of irresponsibility and unreliability.

TOEFL 4, Control and Discipline, Responsibility and Obligation


shirk, attend, participate, engage



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