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Dictionary definition of taunt
To provoke or tease someone in a way that is often intended to be hurtful or insulting.
"The opposing team's fans would taunt the home team throughout the game."
Detailed meaning of taunt
When someone taunts another person, they may use words or actions to mock or ridicule them, often in a way that is meant to challenge their dignity or self-esteem. Taunting can take many forms, from making sarcastic comments to physically antagonizing someone. While some people may taunt others as a way of teasing or playfully teasing, in many cases it can be seen as aggressive or even bullying behavior, and may cause emotional or psychological harm to the person being taunted.
Example sentences containing taunt
1. They would taunt him relentlessly on the playground.
2. The bullies continued to taunt him with hurtful words.
3. She couldn't resist the urge to taunt her rival.
4. The opposing team tried to taunt the star player.
5. He had to endure their taunts with dignity.
6. Taunting someone can have long-lasting effects.
History and etymology of taunt
The verb 'taunt' has a fascinating etymology that can be traced back to the Old French word 'tenter,' meaning 'to try' or 'to provoke.' This Old French term, in turn, has its roots in the Latin word 'tentare,' which also means 'to try' or 'to test.' Over time, in the English language, 'taunt' evolved from this sense of provocation or testing to describe the act of deliberately provoking or teasing someone in a way that is often intended to be hurtful or insulting. Thus, the etymology of 'taunt' reflects its historical connection to the idea of testing someone's patience or resilience through provocative and often hurtful words or actions.
Further usage examples of taunt
1. The online trolls would taunt her relentlessly.
2. He chose not to stoop to their level and taunt back.
3. Her ability to stay calm in the face of taunts impressed many.
4. The kids would taunt him for being different.
5. The siblings would often taunt each other playfully.
6. The taunts from the audience didn't faze the performer.
7. They would taunt him about his past mistakes.
8. Taunting can create a toxic atmosphere in a group.
9. The taunts only motivated him to prove himself.
10. She didn't want to taunt anyone with her success.
11. His decision not to taunt his opponents showed sportsmanship.
12. The taunts from his peers made him stronger.
13. She struggled to ignore the taunts from her classmates.
14. The fans would taunt the rival team relentlessly.
15. It's not right to taunt someone just because they are different.
16. The school bully would often taunt other students in the playground.
17. He would taunt his opponent during the game, trying to throw them off their game.
18. Her little brother would often taunt her by hiding her belongings.
19. It's not wise to taunt wild animals, as they can be dangerous.
20. The child felt hurt when her friends would taunt her about her clothes.
21. The teenager was grounded for taunting his sister when she asked for help.
22. The politician's opponents would often taunt her during debates.
23. The actor was known to taunt paparazzi who followed him around.
24. The fans would taunt the opposing team's goalie during penalty kicks.
25. It's important to teach children that it's not okay to taunt others, and to treat others with kindness and respect.,,,
Frustration and Exasperation, Personality and Character Traits, Disdain and Contempt, Rudeness and Unrefined
Synonyms for taunt
Quiz categories containing taunt
mock, compliment, praise, support