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Dictionary definition of touchstone

A standard, criterion, or reference point used to evaluate or judge the quality, authenticity, or truthfulness of something.
"The scientific method serves as a touchstone for validating experimental results."

Detailed meaning of touchstone

It is a metaphorical concept that signifies a benchmark or yardstick against which other things can be measured or assessed. In a literal sense, a touchstone is a dark-colored stone, typically made of basalt or jasper, used to test the purity of gold or silver. By rubbing the metal against the touchstone and comparing the resulting streak or mark, the quality or authenticity of the precious metal can be determined. Figuratively, a touchstone serves as a point of comparison, allowing one to gauge the worth, validity, or genuineness of an idea, principle, or value. It is a reliable and trusted standard against which judgments or opinions can be evaluated. The noun "touchstone" conveys the idea of a fundamental reference point that aids in discerning the true nature or value of something.

Example sentences of touchstone

1. Honesty is a touchstone for building trust in relationships.
2. The Constitution is considered a touchstone of democracy and individual rights.
3. Kindness is a touchstone for fostering a compassionate and inclusive society.
4. The company's commitment to quality has become a touchstone for their success.
5. The touchstone of a good education is fostering a love for lifelong learning.
6. Courage is often viewed as a touchstone for overcoming adversity.

History and etymology of touchstone

The noun 'touchstone' derives its significance from the root word 'touch' and the Old English word 'stan,' meaning 'stone.' In its etymology, 'touchstone' reflects its historical use as a stone upon which precious metals were rubbed to assess their purity and authenticity by the mark they left behind. Over time, 'touchstone' has metaphorically evolved into a standard, criterion, or reference point used to evaluate or judge the quality, authenticity, or truthfulness of something, much like the way precious metals were assessed using the actual stone.

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Further usage examples of touchstone

1. The touchstone of a good leader is their ability to inspire and motivate others.
2. Equality and justice are touchstones for a fair and equitable society.
3. The touchstone of ethical behavior is treating others with respect and fairness.
4. Innovation is a touchstone for driving progress and technological advancements.
5. The touchstone of effective communication is active listening and empathy.
6. The Constitution is a touchstone for our democracy.
7. Honesty is the touchstone of a strong relationship.
8. This book is a touchstone for classic literature.
9. Ethical conduct serves as a touchstone for our company.
10. Science relies on evidence as its touchstone.
11. The touchstone of success is hard work and perseverance.
12. Her kindness is the touchstone of her character.
13. Historical accuracy is a touchstone for historians.
14. Education is the touchstone of personal development.
15. In art, creativity is often the touchstone of innovation.
16. Truthfulness is the touchstone in journalism.
17. The touchstone of a good recipe is taste.
18. Fairness should be the touchstone of any legal system.
19. Innovation is the touchstone of technological progress.
20. Compassion is the touchstone of effective leadership.
21. The touchstone for success in sports is dedication.
22. Transparency is a touchstone in government.
23. Moral values are the touchstone of a just society.
24. A strong moral compass is the touchstone of integrity.
25. Scientific rigor is the touchstone of credible research.


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