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How to pronounce truculent (audio)


Dictionary definition of truculent

Aggressively defiant, belligerent, or inclined to engage in confrontations or conflicts.
"He was known for his truculent attitude towards authority."

Detailed meaning of truculent

When a person's behavior or demeanor is described as truculent, it implies a readiness to argue, fight, or express hostility in a forceful and aggressive manner. This term often conveys a sense of hostility and an unwillingness to cooperate or compromise. For example, a truculent individual might respond to criticism with aggressive counterarguments, or a truculent nation may adopt an aggressive stance in international relations. "Truculent" underscores the idea of a combative and confrontational attitude, suggesting that the person or entity is prone to using aggressive tactics when faced with challenges or disagreements.

Example sentences containing truculent

1. The truculent bear roared in the forest, alarming every creature nearby.
2. His truculent attitude at the meeting caused a stir amongst the team members.
3. It was a truculent speech, full of vitriol and criticism.
4. Even after years of training, the horse remained truculent, resisting any form of human touch.
5. Behind her demure facade, she held a truculent spirit.
6. The children were shocked by the truculent behavior of the otherwise gentle dog.

History and etymology of truculent

The etymology of the adjective 'truculent' is rooted in the Latin word 'truculentus,' which originally meant 'fierce' or 'savage.' This Latin term derives from 'trux,' meaning 'ferocious' or 'wild.' Over time, the word 'truculent' evolved in English to describe individuals or things that exhibit an aggressively defiant, belligerent, or confrontational demeanor. Its origin in the concept of ferocity underscores the idea of a strong inclination toward hostility or aggression. Thus, the etymology of 'truculent' highlights the historical connection between fierceness and the aggressive, defiant behavior it describes in contemporary usage.

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Further usage examples of truculent

1. As a truculent teenager, he often found himself at odds with his teachers.
2. The truculent waves battered the fishing boat mercilessly.
3. His truculent retort to the simple question startled everyone in the room.
4. She was often misunderstood due to her truculent nature.
5. The journalist's truculent line of questioning didn't sit well with the politician.
6. The truculent weather deterred us from our weekend hiking plans.
7. Trapped in a corner, the truculent cat hissed and spat at the approaching stranger.
8. The landscape was truculent and unwelcoming, dominated by jagged rocks and treacherous cliffs.
9. The prisoner’s truculent defiance was met with harsh punishment.
10. He was a truculent critic, never afraid to voice his disapproval.
11. A truculent argument broke out among the otherwise cordial group of friends.
12. Despite the many challenges, she faced the truculent reality with a brave heart.
13. His truculent demeanor was quite intimidating to his new coworkers.
14. The truculent storm showed no signs of letting up as the night wore on.
15. She was criticized for her truculent behavior towards her colleagues.
16. The company's CEO was truculent in his dealings with the press.
17. He was truculent when asked about his involvement in the scandal.
18. She was truculent when asked about her performance in the project.
19. The group was truculent towards the critics of their work.
20. He was known for his truculent attitude towards his opponents.
21. She was truculent when asked about her plans for the future.
22. The politician was truculent when asked about his record in office.
23. He was truculent when asked about his personal life.
24. She was criticized for her truculent attitude towards her customers.
25. The company's representatives were truculent in their response to the accusations.
26. They behaved in the most brutal and truculent manner.

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