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Dictionary definition of uncommon

Not frequently encountered or seen.
"It is uncommon for snow to fall in the tropics."


Detailed meaning of uncommon

It describes an object, idea, event, or characteristic that deviates from what is typically expected or ordinary. When something is uncommon, it stands out or differs from the norm, often sparking curiosity or interest. This term implies a sense of rarity or uniqueness, suggesting that the subject in question is not easily found or encountered. Uncommon can also connote a certain level of novelty or distinctiveness, as it denotes a departure from what is commonly observed or experienced.

Example sentences containing uncommon

1. Her uncommon talent in painting was evident from a very young age.
2. He has an uncommon name that always sparks interest in conversations.
3. They served an uncommon dish at the restaurant, which piqued everyone's curiosity.
4. The bird spotted in the garden was of an uncommon species native to Asia.
5. She displayed an uncommon level of bravery when she saved the child from the fire.
6. His collection of uncommon stamps is highly prized among philatelists.

History and etymology of uncommon

The adjective 'uncommon' can be analyzed by examining its root word, 'common.' In this term, the prefix 'un-' is employed to negate or reverse the quality of being 'common.' 'Common' has its origins in the Latin word 'communis,' which means 'shared,' 'public,' or 'general.' Over time, 'common' evolved in the English language to describe something that is frequently encountered or widely seen. Consequently, 'uncommon' signifies the opposite, denoting something that is not frequently encountered or seen. Its etymology is deeply rooted in the historical development of 'common' and its association with things that are widespread or shared among many.

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Further usage examples of uncommon

1. The book is written in an uncommon dialect that makes it a challenging read.
2. This ancient artifact has an uncommon design, unlike anything we’ve seen before.
3. Her garden flourishes with an uncommon assortment of flowers from around the world.
4. His uncommon knack for solving puzzles made him a formidable opponent in competitions.
5. The local market sells uncommon ingredients which can be used to create exotic dishes.
6. Her collection of antique dolls was truly uncommon and fascinating.
7. Witnessing a meteor shower is an uncommon but breathtaking experience.
8. In this remote village, the locals spoke an uncommon dialect.
9. An uncommon phenomenon, the solar eclipse, drew crowds from afar.
10. Uncommonly beautiful, the coral reefs in that region were a marvel.
11. The scientist made an uncommon discovery that reshaped our understanding.
12. His unassuming appearance concealed an uncommon intellect.
13. Uncommon talents like hers deserved recognition on a global scale.
14. Uncommon creatures inhabited the depths of the ocean.
15. Uncommon circumstances forced them to form an unlikely alliance.
16. The novelist had an uncommon ability to bring characters to life.
17. Uncommon weather patterns had a significant impact on agriculture.
18. They embarked on an uncommon journey to explore uncharted lands.
19. Her uncanny ability to predict the future was truly uncommon.
20. Uncommon courage was required to confront the challenges ahead.
21. An uncommon blend of spices created a tantalizing aroma.
22. Uncommon dedication and hard work led to their remarkable success.
23. Uncommon perseverance allowed her to overcome adversity.
24. Uncommon kindness and empathy made her a beloved figure.
25. His taste in music was quite uncommon, spanning various genres.



rare, common, ordinary, usual


TOEFL 12, High School 7, Middle School 16

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