Expand your SAT lexicon with 75 words, including 'transhumanism', 'monsoon', and 'tergiversation', enhancing your vocabulary and readiness for the test.
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Complete Vocabulary List for SAT 4 (Scholastic Assessment Test)
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agape, auspice, avidity, basal, bequeath, coliseum, congenital, decamp, deprivation, devolve, dissipate, ebb, erudition, eschew, exiguous, extradite, exude, fiat, firmament, forthcoming, guise, hydrodynamic, impish, impostor, incendiarism, inflammatory, inlet, inoffensive, lateral, laudable, listlessness, lollop, malevolence, materialistic, mawkish, melee, menacing, metabolic, metabolize, monsoon, nescience, omnipotence, optics, peremptory, plagiarism, preferential, presupposition, prevailing, propitious, proselytize, purlieu, redolent, repudiate, retroactive, Rubicon, salvage, segue, sentiment, siphon, soporific, sprawl, squint, stalactite, stealth, subjoin, tartan, tergiversation, tinted, transhumanism, turbine, turgid, unabridged, vamoose, vassal, vivify
SAT 4 (Scholastic Assessment Test)