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Dictionary definition of bibliography

A comprehensive list or collection of sources that have been consulted or referenced in the creation of a scholarly work, research paper, or publication.
"The author meticulously compiled a bibliography to acknowledge the sources that influenced their work."

Detailed meaning of bibliography

It serves as a vital component of academic writing, providing readers with detailed information about the sources used by the author to support their arguments, findings, or ideas. A bibliography typically includes various types of sources, such as books, journal articles, websites, and other relevant materials. Each entry in the bibliography typically includes essential details such as the author's name, the title of the work, the publication date, and other relevant publication information. Bibliographies play a crucial role in validating the credibility and reliability of the information presented in a scholarly work, as they allow readers to trace and access the sources mentioned. Additionally, bibliographies provide an avenue for further exploration and research by providing a list of additional resources on the topic of interest.

Example sentences containing bibliography

1. The research paper included an extensive bibliography citing various scholarly articles and books.
2. The professor asked the students to submit their essays with a properly formatted bibliography.
3. The bibliography at the end of the book provided readers with additional reading recommendations.
4. She spent hours cross-referencing the citations in her bibliography to ensure accuracy.
5. The journal article was praised for its comprehensive bibliography, which aided other researchers in finding related studies.
6. The librarian assisted the student in locating relevant books for their bibliography.

History and etymology of bibliography

The noun 'bibliography' has a rich etymology that traces back to Greek origins. It is a combination of two Greek words, 'biblion,' meaning 'book,' and 'graphē,' meaning 'writing' or 'to write.' Therefore, 'bibliography' literally means 'the writing of books' or 'the list of books.' In its scholarly sense, a bibliography refers to a comprehensive list of sources, which can include books, articles, documents, and other written materials, that have been consulted or referenced in the creation of a scholarly work, research paper, or publication. The etymology of 'bibliography' highlights its primary function – to provide a record of written sources used in academic and research endeavors, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and referencing the written works that contribute to scholarly discourse.

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Further usage examples of bibliography

1. The annotated bibliography included brief summaries and evaluations of each cited source.
2. The professor commended the student for their well-organized and thorough bibliography.
3. The bibliography helped the reader verify the claims made in the research paper.
4. The author's bibliography showcased a wide range of sources, demonstrating their extensive research.
5. The magazine article lacked a bibliography, making it difficult for readers to trace the author's sources.
6. Her research paper had an extensive bibliography.
7. The bibliography included books, articles, and websites.
8. A well-organized bibliography is essential in academia.
9. He diligently compiled his dissertation's bibliography.
10. The professor required a proper APA-style bibliography.
11. The annotated bibliography provided valuable insights.
12. Scholars often update their bibliographies regularly.
13. The bibliography spanned multiple pages.
14. Citations in the bibliography followed a strict format.
15. She cited primary and secondary sources in her bibliography.
16. The bibliography showcased the depth of his research.
17. The bibliography covered a wide range of topics.
18. The librarian helped him find sources for his bibliography.
19. The digital age has transformed how we create bibliographies.
20. A comprehensive bibliography enhances a thesis's credibility.
21. Students struggle with formatting their bibliographies.
22. Properly citing sources is crucial for a complete bibliography.
23. The bibliography was a valuable resource for other scholars.
24. His bibliography revealed years of dedicated research.
25. An extensive bibliography is a mark of thorough scholarship.

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