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Dictionary definition of conduit

A channel, pipe, or means of conveying something from one place to another.
"The pipeline served as a conduit for transporting oil across the country."

Detailed meaning of conduit

It is typically a physical structure or passage designed to facilitate the transportation of various substances, such as water, electricity, information, or even people. Conduits come in various forms, including pipes, cables, tunnels, and channels, and they serve essential roles in different contexts. For example, electrical conduits encase wires to protect them and guide the flow of electricity, while water conduits like aqueducts and pipes transport water to homes and cities. Metaphorically, the term "conduit" can also describe a person or thing that facilitates the transmission of ideas, information, or communication between different parties, acting as a bridge or intermediary.

Example sentences of conduit

1. The electrical conduit runs along the wall, hiding the wiring.
2. The river served as a natural conduit for transporting goods.
3. The internet is a crucial conduit for information exchange.
4. The conduit between the two buildings allowed for the flow of water.
5. The internet is a conduit for the spread of ideas and information.
6. A conduit for creativity, the art studio inspired many young artists.

History and etymology of conduit

The noun 'conduit' traces its etymology to the Latin word 'conducere,' which means 'to lead or bring together.' In Latin, 'con-' indicates 'together,' and 'ducere' means 'to lead' or 'to guide.' Over time, in Middle English, 'conduit' evolved to represent a channel, pipe, or means of conveying something from one place to another, often in the context of water supply. The term's etymology aptly reflects its role as a means of guiding or leading something, such as water or information, from one point to another, emphasizing its function as a conduit for the flow or transmission of substances or ideas.

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Further usage examples of conduit

1. The telephone lines followed a conduit beneath the street.
2. The bridge acted as a conduit for travelers crossing the river.
3. The tunnel served as a secure conduit for the escape.
4. The internet cable acts as a digital conduit for communication.
5. The ancient aqueduct served as a conduit for delivering water to the city.
6. A conduit of communication was established between the two countries.
7. The conductor guided the orchestra like a musical conduit.
8. The underground conduit was damaged during construction.
9. The messenger acted as a conduit for delivering important news.
10. The air ducts in the building acted as conduits for ventilation.
11. The conduit was clogged, causing water to overflow.
12. The highway served as a major conduit for transportation.
13. The company's CEO acted as a conduit between management and employees.
14. The cable TV line functions as a conduit for entertainment.
15. The sewer system is a vital conduit for waste disposal.
16. The river canyon acted as a natural conduit for water flow.
17. The conduit was insulated to prevent electrical accidents.
18. The supply chain serves as a conduit for delivering products to customers.
19. The diplomatic channel acted as a conduit for negotiations between the two nations.


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