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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce affront (audio)

Dictionary definition of affront

An action or behavior that is considered to be disrespectful, insulting, or offensive to someone.
"The graffiti on the historic building was a blatant affront to the city's history."

Detailed meaning of affront

It is an intentional or unintentional act that causes offense or disrespect to an individual or group. It can also imply a lack of consideration or thought. For example, a racial or sexist remark can be considered as an affront to the person or group targeted by the remark, or a public display of disrespect towards a flag or monument can be considered an affront to the country or group it represents. The word can also be used to describe an intentional or unintentional act that is considered disrespectful or insulting, such as not standing during the national anthem can be considered an affront to the country. It implies a lack of respect, consideration or thought towards someone or something, and can have negative connotations.

Example sentences containing affront

1. His rude comment was a blatant affront to her feelings, leaving her hurt and angry.
2. The decision to cut his pay felt like a personal affront, given his dedication to the company.
3. Offering criticism without tact can be seen as an affront to one's professional reputation.
4. The graffiti on the monument was viewed as a disrespectful affront to local history.
5. Disregarding her opinion was a clear affront to her intelligence and expertise.
6. The comedian's jokes crossed the line, turning into an affront to many audience members.

History and etymology of affront

The noun 'affront' has its etymological roots in French. It is derived from the Old French word 'afront,' which means 'to confront' or 'to face.' In Old French, 'afront' often referred to a hostile encounter or challenge. This term can be traced further back to the Latin word 'ad' (to) and 'frontem' (forehead or face), suggesting a direct encounter or confrontation. Over time, 'afront' evolved into the noun 'affront' in English, retaining its core meaning of an action or behavior that is considered disrespectful, insulting, or offensive to someone, often involving a direct challenge or confrontation to one's honor or dignity. The etymology of 'affront' effectively conveys the idea of an action that confronts or challenges someone's sense of respect or honor, emphasizing the offense or insult it carries.

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Further usage examples of affront

1. A refusal to shake hands can be perceived as an affront in some cultures.
2. The politician's remarks were widely regarded as an affront to civil discourse.
3. His failure to acknowledge her achievement was an affront to her hard work.
4. Ignoring her in the meeting felt like a deliberate affront to her contributions.
5. The biased treatment of certain employees was seen as an affront to workplace equality.
6. His disrespectful comment was seen as a direct affront to her beliefs.
7. Taking credit for someone else's work is a clear affront to their contributions.
8. The rude behavior of the guest was an affront to our hospitality.
9. She considered his refusal to shake her hand as a personal affront.
10. His disregard for the rules was seen as an affront to the authority of the organization.
11. The comedian's jokes were meant to entertain, not to be an affront to anyone's sensibilities.
12. Failing to invite her to the party was an affront she couldn't overlook.
13. His lack of gratitude was taken as an affront by those who had helped him.
14. Dismissing her ideas without consideration was an affront to her intellect.
15. The lawsuit was viewed as an affront to the principles of justice.
16. Bringing up their past mistakes in public was an affront to their reputation.
17. The teacher saw the student's disruptive behavior as an affront to the class's learning environment.
18. Ignoring her after their argument was a deliberate affront.
19. Her refusal to attend the ceremony was seen as an affront to the family.
20. The company's unethical practices were an affront to its customers.
21. The offensive advertisement was an affront to good taste and decency.
22. His aggressive tone was perceived as an affront to the peaceful atmosphere of the meeting.
23. The insensitive remark was an affront to the grieving family.
24. Firing an employee without just cause can be considered an affront to workers' rights.

Clarify and Elucidate, Scorn and Censure, Embarrassment and Discomfort, Disapproval and Disrespect


insult, compliment, praise, flatter


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