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Dictionary definition of annex

To incorporate or add territory, land, or property to an existing political or geographical entity.
"The city council voted to annex the neighboring town into their municipality."

Detailed meaning of annex

It is often used to describe the acquisition of new territory by a country or state. Annexation can be done by force or through a legal process, such as a treaty or agreement. When a piece of land or property is annexed, it becomes part of the larger entity and is subject to its laws and regulations. Annexation can also refer to the addition of new rooms or sections to an existing building. In this case, the annexation is usually done to expand the space available or to accommodate new functions or activities.

Example sentences of annex

1. The conqueror's plan was to annex the entire region.
2. The emperor's ambition was to annex the mountainous regions.
3. The country initiated negotiations to annex the island chain.
4. The colonial power used force to annex the resource-rich land.
5. The dictator's plan was to annex the oil-rich province.
6. The rulers of the two kingdoms agreed to annex the small principality.

History and etymology of annex

The verb 'annex' has its etymological roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'annexare,' which is a combination of 'ad,' meaning 'to,' and 'nexus,' meaning 'join' or 'tie.' Therefore, 'annex' can be understood as 'to join to' or 'to attach to.' In the context of politics and geography, 'annex' refers to the act of incorporating or adding territory, land, or property to an existing political or geographical entity. It involves the formal extension of one's control or sovereignty over a specific region. The term 'annex' underscores the idea of bringing something into union with another, emphasizing the attachment or incorporation of additional territory or property to an existing entity, often through legal or official means. Its etymology reflects its historical connection to the concept of territorial expansion and political consolidation.

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Further usage examples of annex

1. The king issued a royal decree to annex the independent city-state.
2. The government decided to annex the uninhabited islands for scientific research.
3. The empire aimed to annex the strategic trade routes.
4. The ruler planned to annex the fertile valleys for agricultural expansion.
5. The nation's parliament debated whether to annex the neighboring state.
6. The company decided to annex the smaller business to expand their operations.
7. The country's leader announced plans to annex the disputed territory.
8. The museum is planning to annex an additional wing to display their new collection.
9. The school board voted to annex the adjacent property to build a new sports facility.
10. The government's decision to annex the island caused tension among neighboring countries.
11. The company's plan to annex the competitor was met with opposition from shareholders.
12. The group's plan to annex the abandoned building for use as a community center was approved.
13. The decision to annex the land for a new housing development was met with controversy.
14. The organization was able to annex the resources of the dissolved company.
15. The country annex the province as a result of the war.


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