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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce astraphobia (audio)

Dictionary definition of astraphobia

An intense and irrational fear or phobia of thunder and lightning.
"The astraphobia sufferer carried noise-canceling headphones everywhere to block out the sound of thunder."

Detailed meaning of astraphobia

It is a specific anxiety disorder characterized by extreme distress and anxiety when faced with the idea or experience of a thunderstorm. Individuals with astraphobia may exhibit symptoms such as panic attacks, trembling, sweating, rapid heartbeat, and a strong desire to seek shelter and avoid being exposed to thunder and lightning. This fear can be rooted in various factors, including traumatic experiences, a fear of the unknown, or a general sensitivity to loud noises. Astraphobia can significantly impact a person's daily life, causing them to alter their routines and seek reassurance during stormy weather. Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or exposure therapy, is often employed to help individuals confront their fears, develop coping strategies, and regain a sense of control and calmness in the face of thunderstorms.

Example sentences containing astraphobia

1. Her astraphobia intensified whenever dark clouds rolled in and thunder rumbled in the distance.
2. The sound of thunder triggered an immediate panic response in individuals with astraphobia.
3. He would close all the curtains and retreat to a small, windowless room during thunderstorms to cope with his astraphobia.
4. Even the faintest flash of lightning would send shivers down her spine, a telltale sign of her astraphobia.
5. The astraphobia support group provided a safe space for individuals to share their experiences and strategies for coping with thunderstorms.
6. The astraphobia sufferer had a designated storm shelter at home equipped with calming music and comforting objects.

History and etymology of astraphobia

The noun 'astraphobia' is a term that combines elements from Greek and modern English. It originates from the Greek word 'astrape,' which means 'lightning,' and 'phobos,' meaning 'fear' or 'aversion.' Therefore, 'astraphobia' can be understood as an intense and irrational fear or phobia of thunder and lightning. This word effectively captures the essence of the fear it describes, highlighting its origin in the Greek language, where the elements 'astrape' and 'phobos' come together to form the term. The etymology of 'astraphobia' underscores the specific nature of this phobia, emphasizing the fear of natural phenomena associated with storms and lightning.

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Further usage examples of astraphobia

1. The therapist used gradual exposure techniques to help the patient overcome their astraphobia and reduce their anxiety during thunderstorms.
2. The astraphobia sufferer relied on weather apps and updates to anticipate thunderstorms and mentally prepare for them.
3. The sound of rain pouring down triggered memories of traumatic thunderstorm experiences for those with astraphobia.
4. The astraphobia sufferer experienced relief when the storm passed, accompanied by a sense of triumph over their fear.
5. The astraphobia sufferer's heart raced at the first sign of dark clouds, a reminder of the impending thunder and lightning.
6. Her astraphobia made thunderstorms a terrifying ordeal.
7. Astraphobia often leads to anxiety during stormy weather.
8. The fear of lightning, astraphobia, is more common than people realize.
9. Overcoming astraphobia may require therapy and exposure to storms.
10. Astraphobia can trigger panic attacks during thunderstorms.
11. Children with astraphobia may need comfort and reassurance.
12. The sound of thunder can be particularly distressing for those with astraphobia.
13. Astraphobia can limit one's outdoor activities during stormy seasons.
14. The fear of thunder and lightning, astraphobia, can be debilitating.
15. Her astraphobia led to sleepless nights during stormy weather.
16. Coping strategies can help individuals manage their astraphobia.
17. Astraphobia may stem from a fear of the unknown and uncontrollable nature of storms.
18. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be effective in treating astraphobia.
19. People with astraphobia often seek shelter as soon as a storm approaches.
20. Supportive friends and family can provide comfort to those with astraphobia.
21. Astraphobia can make travel plans challenging during stormy seasons.
22. The therapist helped her confront her astraphobia in a safe environment.
23. Astraphobia can be traced back to traumatic experiences with thunder and lightning.
24. The fear of storms, astraphobia, is a valid and treatable condition.

SAT 3 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Fear and Anxiety, Anxiety and Fear


fear of thunder, indifference to thunder, enjoyment of thunder, love of thunder



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