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Dictionary definition of augury

The practice of divination or foretelling the future through the interpretation of signs or omens.
"The ancient Greeks often relied on augury to predict the outcome of battles."

Detailed meaning of augury

In ancient times, augury was a common practice among many cultures, including the Greeks, Romans, and Babylonians, who believed that events in the natural world, such as the flight patterns of birds or the appearance of certain celestial bodies, could provide insight into the future. Augury was often performed by trained specialists known as augurs, who would observe and interpret these signs to make predictions about upcoming events. Today, the term "augury" is more commonly used in a figurative sense to describe any kind of sign or omen that is believed to portend a particular outcome or event. For example, someone might say that a sudden gust of wind was an augury of an impending storm, or that a particular turn of phrase was an augury of trouble to come. Overall, the noun "augury" suggests the idea of interpreting signs or omens to make predictions about the future, either in a literal or figurative sense.

Example sentences containing augury

1. The ancient civilization relied on augury to predict the outcomes of battles.
2. The seer interpreted the flight patterns of birds as an augury of good fortune.
3. The king sought the augury of the oracle before making important decisions.
4. The farmer observed the behavior of animals as an augury for favorable weather conditions.
5. The ominous clouds served as an augury of an impending storm.
6. The sudden appearance of a shooting star was seen as an augury of luck and prosperity.

History and etymology of augury

The noun 'augury' has its etymological roots in ancient Rome, stemming from the Latin word 'augurium.' In ancient Roman society, augurs were priests who practiced divination by interpreting the flight patterns and behaviors of birds. They believed that the behavior of birds, known as 'auspices,' could provide insight into future events. The Latin term 'augurium' referred to this practice of divination through the observation of natural signs or omens, with the word itself possibly deriving from 'avis,' meaning 'bird,' and 'gur,' signifying 'to cry out' or 'to call.' Over time, 'augurium' evolved into the English word 'augury,' which retains its association with the practice of foretelling the future through the interpretation of signs, particularly omens and the behavior of birds. The etymology of 'augury' reflects its historical roots in ancient Roman divination practices and the belief in the significance of natural signs.

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Further usage examples of augury

1. The priest performed an augury ritual to seek guidance from the gods.
2. The wise elder interpreted the patterns of smoke rising from the sacred fire as an augury of spiritual messages.
3. The augury of a rainbow after the rain brought a sense of hope and optimism.
4. The diviner used tarot cards for augury, revealing hidden insights about the future.
5. The augury of a broken mirror was believed to bring seven years of bad luck.
6. The ancient texts contained numerous symbols and omens that were used for augury.
7. The ancient art of augury often involved studying bird behavior.
8. She consulted a witch for augury to predict her future.
9. Augury was a common practice in many ancient civilizations.
10. The priest used augury to interpret the meaning of dreams.
11. The wise woman practiced augury with the casting of stones.
12. The villagers sought augury before embarking on their journey.
13. The king relied on augury to make important decisions.
14. The seer's augury was believed to reveal hidden truths.
15. Augury often involves interpreting the flight patterns of birds.
16. The oracle's augury was highly respected in the region.
17. He studied the ancient texts to learn the art of augury.
18. Augury can be a mysterious and cryptic practice.
19. The farmer used augury to predict the success of his crops.
20. The old crone offered augury services to those in need.
21. Augury played a significant role in the culture's traditions.
22. The sailor consulted an oracle for augury before setting sail.
23. Augury often involves the casting of lots or runes.
24. The priestess was skilled in the art of augury.
25. Many superstitions are rooted in the practice of augury.
26. The king's augury foretold a time of great change.

SAT 8 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Prediction and Foresight, Mysticism and Spirituality


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