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Dictionary definition of barren
Unproductive and incapable of supporting the growth of plants or vegetation.
"The barren desert landscape stretched out for miles with no sign of life."
Detailed meaning of barren
It is often associated with desolate and lifeless landscapes, such as arid deserts or rocky, infertile terrain where little or no vegetation can thrive. Additionally, "barren" can also be used metaphorically to describe situations, ideas, or creative efforts that lack vitality, fruitfulness, or productivity. In this sense, it conveys a sense of emptiness, unproductiveness, or a dearth of meaningful content or results. Barrenness can apply to physical landscapes or abstract concepts, highlighting a lack of growth, fertility, or productivity in both natural and metaphorical contexts.
Example sentences containing barren
1. The barren landscape stretched for miles, with no signs of vegetation or life.
2. The soil in the region was barren, making it almost impossible for farmers to grow crops.
3. The explorers were ill-prepared for the challenges of crossing the barren desert.
4. Her apartment felt barren and cold without any decorations or personal touches.
5. The barren tree stood alone in the field, a stark reminder of the drought’s severity.
6. They tried planting various seeds, but the barren land refused to yield any harvest.
History and etymology of barren
The adjective 'barren' has an etymology rooted in Old English. It can be traced back to the Old English word 'beran,' which means 'to bear' or 'to bring forth.' Over time, as the word evolved, it took on a specific sense related to land or soil that is incapable of bearing or producing crops or vegetation. This transformation reflects the idea that 'barren' land is unproductive and incapable of supporting the growth of plants or vegetation. The etymology of 'barren' thus directly ties its meaning to the inability of land to bear or bring forth life, emphasizing the stark lack of fertility or productivity in such areas.
Further usage examples of barren
1. The moon's surface is barren, with no atmosphere or signs of life.
2. The artist’s painting depicted a barren wasteland, reflecting the desolation he felt inside.
3. The couple moved away from the city to a barren plot of land to build their dream home.
4. The book’s barren dialogue lacked depth and failed to engage the reader.
5. The barren hilltop was the perfect spot for stargazing, free from the lights of the city.
6. In contrast to the lush forest, the other side of the mountain was a barren rocky terrain.
7. Barren deserts hold a stark beauty in their endless, lifeless expanse.
8. Abandoned factories stand as barren relics of bygone industries.
9. Barren ideas lack the vitality needed to spark innovation.
10. The tree's barren branches reached toward the wintry sky.
11. The economy endured a prolonged period of barren growth.
12. Their marriage faced a barren spell of emotional disconnect.
13. The artist grappled with a barren canvas, seeking inspiration.
14. Barren soil demanded extensive fertilization for successful farming.
15. The abandoned town's streets were eerily barren of life.
16. The summit offered stunning yet barren vistas of rugged terrain.
17. Barren fields awaited the arrival of spring's rejuvenation.
18. Barren laughter echoed through the empty hall.
19. The writer's barren imagination needed a spark of creativity.
20. Barren relationships leave hearts emotionally parched.
21. His humor met with barren response, leaving him deflated.
22. The pantry held barren shelves, lacking essentials.
23. Barren landscapes can be harsh and unforgiving.
24. The factory's barren floors were once bustling with workers.
25. The artist sought to breathe life into the barren canvas.
26. Barren periods in life can test one's resilience and patience.,,,
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Synonyms for barren
Quiz categories containing barren
infertile, fertile, lush, productive