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Dictionary definition of bound
Having a strong and obligatory connection or relationship to something or someone.
"The two friends were bound by a lifelong bond of trust and loyalty."
Detailed meaning of bound
When something is described as bound to another, it signifies a strong tie or association that is difficult to break or separate. For example, a person may feel bound to their family, indicating a deep sense of responsibility and loyalty towards them. Additionally, "bound" can also refer to being destined or certain to happen. In this sense, it implies an inevitable or predetermined outcome. Furthermore, "bound" can be used to describe something that is restricted or limited within specific boundaries or constraints. It denotes being confined or constrained within certain limits or parameters. Overall, the adjective "bound" conveys a sense of strong connection, inevitability, or restriction, depending on the context in which it is used.
Example sentences containing bound
1. The adventurous explorers were bound for the uncharted territory.
2. He felt bound to his responsibilities and always fulfilled them diligently.
3. The team's impressive performance in the qualifiers made them bound for the championship.
4. She was bound by the rules and regulations of her strict workplace.
5. The contract stated that the company was bound to deliver the goods by the specified date.
6. The young bird was bound to its nest until it learned to fly.
History and etymology of bound
The adjective 'bound' has an etymology deeply rooted in Old English and Germanic languages. It stems from the Old English word 'bindan,' which meant 'to tie' or 'to fasten.' This Old English term is linked to the broader Germanic root 'bindanan.' The connection between binding and having a strong and obligatory relationship or connection is evident in the word's evolution. Over time, 'bound' came to describe something that is tied or linked, and it later extended its meaning to convey the idea of being obligated or constrained by a connection or relationship. Thus, the etymology of 'bound' beautifully reflects the concept of a strong and obligatory connection to something or someone, tracing its linguistic journey from the act of binding to the notion of being inextricably linked or obligated.
Further usage examples of bound
1. The evidence was bound to expose the truth and bring justice to light.
2. They were bound by fate, their paths intertwined in a complex series of events.
3. The road trip was bound to create lasting memories for the group of friends.
4. The prisoner was bound by handcuffs and escorted to the courtroom.
5. The book held the secret that was bound to change their lives forever.
6. She felt bound by her duty to care for her elderly parents.
7. His commitment to the project bound him to long hours at work.
8. The legal contract bound both parties to fulfill their obligations.
9. They were bound by their shared love for adventure.
10. His loyalty to the team bound him to support them.
11. Family traditions bound them together during the holidays.
12. A sense of responsibility bound her to volunteer regularly.
13. Shared experiences can create a bound between friends.
14. Cultural ties bound the community together.
15. Their mutual respect bound them in a strong partnership.
16. The common goal bound the group in pursuit of success.
17. A strong moral code bound him to honesty and integrity.
18. The shared history bound the nation's citizens.
19. The promise he made bound him to secrecy.
20. Their shared dreams bound them in a romantic relationship.
21. The contract legally bound them to complete the project.
22. A sense of duty bound him to serve his country.
23. The code of conduct bound all members to ethical behavior.
24. Their shared values bound them as a family.
25. The oath he took bound him to protect and serve.
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ACT 7 (American College Testing), Middle School 15, Connections and Interactions
Synonyms for bound
Quiz categories containing bound
tied, free, unattached, independent