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Dictionary definition of chimera
A thing that is desired or hoped for, but is ultimately illusory or impossible to achieve.
"Immortality, for now, remains a chimera, captivating but distant."
Detailed meaning of chimera
It can refer to a dream or goal that is unattainable due to various factors such as lack of resources, technological limitations, or fundamental limitations of nature. For example, the idea of a perpetual motion machine is often considered a chimera because it violates the laws of thermodynamics. Similarly, the idea of a "cure-all" medicine that can completely eliminate all diseases is also considered a chimera because of the complexity of the human body and the vast number of different diseases. The term can also be used in a broader sense to refer to any hope or belief that is unlikely or impossible to be fulfilled.
A Chimera is also a creature from Greek mythology that is typically depicted as having the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a serpent. The term has also been used in science to refer to a genetic mutation in which an organism contains cells with different genetic makeup, such as a mouse with cells from a rat implanted into it. In more recent usage, the term "chimera" is used to refer to any organism or entity that is composed of distinct parts or origins. For example, chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) are molecules engineered to target specific cell surface antigens on cancer cells, and are used as a tool for cancer therapy. Another example is chimeric DNA, which is a DNA molecule that is composed of segments from two or more different organisms.
Example sentences containing chimera
1. The chimera of a perfect relationship is often the cause of disappointment.
2. His dreams of wealth were a chimera, fading with time.
3. Many chase the chimera of eternal youth without success.
4. The promise of a utopia often turns out to be a chimera.
5. The city's golden age was just a chimera in the minds of the nostalgic.
6. She sought the chimera of perfect happiness, always just out of reach.
History and etymology of chimera
The noun 'chimera' has its etymological origins in Greek mythology. It is derived from the Greek word 'khimaira,' which referred to a mythical creature with the body of a lion, the head of a goat, and the tail of a serpent. In Greek mythology, the Chimera was a fearsome and impossible creature to defeat, often associated with illusion and impossibility. Over time, the term 'chimera' made its way into English, and its meaning shifted from the mythical creature to describe something that is desired or hoped for but is ultimately illusory or impossible to achieve. This transition reflects the idea that the Chimera in Greek mythology represented a fantastical and unattainable creature, and this sense of the unattainable is preserved in the modern use of 'chimera' to describe something that remains elusive or imaginary. The etymology of 'chimera' effectively conveys its historical connection to Greek mythology and the notion of the unattainable or illusory, emphasizing its role as a noun used to describe unrealistic or fanciful aspirations.
Further usage examples of chimera
1. Their vision of peace in the land was a noble chimera.
2. For years, he was entranced by the chimera of fame and adulation.
3. A world without any sorrow seems like a comforting chimera.
4. The chimera of boundless wealth leads many astray.
5. Sometimes, chasing a chimera can blind us to real opportunities.
6. The notion of a perfect society is often dismissed as a chimera.
7. That forgotten era was not perfection, but a chimera held by many.
8. The chimera of a flawless life is both tempting and deceptive.
9. She painted her hopes, each one a beautiful chimera.
10. For centuries, humans have pursued the chimera of alchemical gold.
11. In the world of fashion, eternal beauty is a sought-after chimera.
12. The chimera of limitless power has toppled many empires.
13. Every inventor has their chimera, driving their relentless passion.
14. Often, it's the chase of a chimera that defines our journey.
15. Beneath the waves, sailors once saw the chimera of mermaids.
16. The chimera of a unified theory entices scientists across fields.
17. Even in the realm of fantasy, a chimera stands for the unattainable.
18. The dream of a life without struggles is a chimera for most people.
19. The idea of a world without poverty is a chimera that is yet to be achieved.
20. The chimera of a society without crime is a ideal that is hard to achieve.
21. The chimera of a work-life balance that satisfies everyone is something that is hard to find.
22. The chimera of a life without any problems is something that only exists in fantasy.
23. The idea of a perfect world is a chimera that is impossible to achieve.,,,,
Artifice and Falseness, Imagination and Ingenuity, Development and Growth, Acumen and Insight, Mysticism and Spirituality
Synonyms for chimera
Quiz categories containing chimera
illusion, reality, fact, certainty