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Dictionary definition of develop

To grow, advance, or evolve over time.
"The company plans to develop a new product line to meet customer demands."

Detailed meaning of develop

It involves the gradual or systematic change, progress, or improvement of something, such as an idea, skill, product, or situation. To develop means to expand, refine, or enhance the qualities, attributes, or characteristics of a particular subject. This can be achieved through various means, including learning, practice, experimentation, or research. Development often entails the acquisition of new knowledge, skills, or abilities, as well as the application of existing ones in novel ways. It encompasses the idea of moving from an initial state to a more advanced or mature state, often involving the overcoming of challenges or obstacles along the way. Development can also refer to the creation or growth of something tangible, like infrastructure, technology, or relationships. In essence, the verb "develop" encapsulates the notion of progress, growth, and transformation in both personal and external contexts, signifying the evolution and maturation of a subject or concept.

Example sentences of develop

1. She worked hard to develop her artistic skills through consistent practice.
2. The child is starting to develop a strong sense of independence.
3. The scientist aims to develop a groundbreaking solution to the environmental crisis.
4. He hopes to develop a successful career in the music industry.
5. The city has plans to develop a new park in the downtown area.
6. The student's ability to solve complex math problems began to develop with time.

History and etymology of develop

The verb 'develop' has its roots in Latin and Old French. It can be traced back to the Latin word 'developare,' which is a combination of 'de,' meaning 'completely,' and 'volvere,' meaning 'to roll' or 'to turn.' In its original Latin form, 'developare' was used in the context of unrolling or unfolding something, akin to revealing its hidden or inner aspects. This notion of unfolding and revealing gradually evolved and was adapted into Old French as 'desveloper,' with a sense of unwrapping or unwinding. Eventually, 'develop' made its way into English, retaining its core meaning of growth, advancement, or evolution over time. Thus, the etymology of 'develop' underscores its historical association with the idea of something unfolding, progressing, and evolving, whether in a physical, intellectual, or creative sense.

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Further usage examples of develop

1. The team collaborated to develop an innovative marketing strategy.
2. The organization is committed to developing sustainable business practices.
3. The chef continues to develop new recipes to keep the menu fresh and exciting.
4. The developer is working on a project to develop affordable housing for the community.
5. The research team is conducting experiments to develop a cure for the disease.
6. Children develop both physically and intellectually as they grow.
7. Advances in technology continually develop at a rapid pace.
8. Good habits help individuals develop a strong work ethic.
9. Countries aim to develop their economies through trade.
10. Creative ideas often develop during moments of inspiration.
11. Relationships can develop into lifelong friendships.
12. Over time, language skills naturally develop in young children.
13. Scientists work tirelessly to develop new medical treatments.
14. Cities expand and develop to accommodate population growth.
15. Artists develop their unique styles through practice.
16. Businesses strive to develop innovative products.
17. Educational systems evolve to develop critical thinking.
18. Musicians often develop their talent through years of practice.
19. Environmental awareness continues to develop globally.
20. Emerging markets have the potential to develop rapidly.
21. Personal growth requires a commitment to develop oneself.
22. New software updates help programs develop and improve.
23. Travel experiences can help individuals develop cultural awareness.
24. Sports teams work together to develop winning strategies.
25. Research efforts aim to develop sustainable energy sources.


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