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Dictionary definition of dignitary
A person who holds a high-ranking position in government, religion, or society.
"The dignitary's visit was covered extensively by the local news media."
Detailed meaning of dignitary
They are often respected figures who have achieved a certain level of prestige or status. Dignitaries can include heads of state, government officials, religious leaders, and members of the nobility. They may also be prominent figures in the arts, sciences, or other fields of endeavor. They often have a ceremonial role, representing their country or organization in official capacities, and may be accorded special honors and privileges as a result of their position. Dignitaries are usually expected to conduct themselves with decorum and to set an example of good behavior for others to follow.
Example sentences containing dignitary
1. The arrival of the foreign dignitary caused a stir among the crowd.
2. Security measures were heightened to protect the visiting dignitary.
3. The dignitary gave a powerful speech that captivated the audience.
4. The hotel reserved a luxurious suite for the high-ranking dignitary.
5. The dignitary's entourage included prominent government officials and advisors.
6. The local press eagerly awaited the arrival of the esteemed dignitary.
History and etymology of dignitary
The noun 'dignitary' has its etymological origins in the Latin word 'dignitarius,' which is derived from 'dignitas,' meaning 'dignity' or 'worthiness.' In ancient Rome, 'dignitarius' referred to individuals who held positions of honor and authority, often in the government or within religious institutions. These individuals were seen as possessing a special level of dignity and worthiness due to their roles and responsibilities. Over time, the term 'dignitary' came to describe people who hold high-ranking positions in government, religion, or society, acknowledging their elevated status and the respect associated with their roles. Thus, the etymology of 'dignitary' reflects its historical connection to the concept of dignity and worthiness, which are inherent in the positions of authority and honor that dignitaries occupy.
Further usage examples of dignitary
1. Protocol dictated that the dignitary be greeted with utmost respect and formality.
2. The dignitary's visit was seen as a symbol of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
3. The dignitary attended a series of meetings with government officials during their visit.
4. The dignitary's schedule was tightly packed with official engagements and social events.
5. The dignitary's arrival prompted a red-carpet reception and a ceremonial welcome.
6. The city's mayor personally greeted the dignitary at the airport.
7. The dignitary's visit drew attention from the international media.
8. The local community prepared a grand banquet in honor of the visiting dignitary.
9. The dignitary's presence brought prestige and importance to the event.
10. The dignitary's motorcade passed through the streets, accompanied by a police escort.
11. The dignitary's diplomatic visit aimed to strengthen bilateral relations between the nations.
12. The dignitary's departure was marked with farewell ceremonies and well-wishes.
13. The dignitary's visit left a lasting impression on the host country and its citizens.
14. The dignitary's security detail ensured their safety throughout the entire visit.,,,,
Appreciation and Honor, Governance and Authority, Influence and Persuasion, Social Hierarchy and Relationships, Social Status and Hierarchy
Synonyms for dignitary
Quiz categories containing dignitary
official, commoner, subordinate, layperson