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Dictionary definition of eidolon

A phantom, illusion, or ghostly image, often representing a person or thing that is no longer physically present.
"The old house was said to be haunted by the eidolon of a lost soul."

Detailed meaning of eidolon

It typically carries a connotation of being insubstantial or unreal, existing only as a mental or spiritual manifestation. The term originates from Greek mythology, where it referred to a specter or apparition. In modern usage, an eidolon can denote a lingering presence, memory, or idealized representation of someone or something. It may also refer to an imagined or projected image created by the mind. The concept of an eidolon suggests a non-physical entity that holds significance or symbolism, evoking feelings of nostalgia, longing, or contemplation. It can represent a ghostly image of the past or a symbol of an unattainable ideal. Overall, "eidolon" encompasses a spectral or visionary entity that holds a mysterious or ethereal quality.

Example sentences of eidolon

1. As the sun set, the eidolon of the moon appeared in the darkening sky.
2. The artist created a captivating painting, capturing the ethereal beauty of an eidolon.
3. Legends spoke of an ancient eidolon that guarded the hidden treasure deep within the forest.
4. The eerie whispers in the abandoned church sent shivers down their spines, as if the eidolon of a forgotten priest still lingered there.
5. In her dreams, she encountered the eidolon of her deceased grandmother, who offered her guidance and comfort.
6. The ancient ruins held the mystery of an eidolon statue, said to possess magical powers.

History and etymology of eidolon

The noun 'eidolon' originates from ancient Greek, specifically from the word 'εἴδωλον' (eidolon), which means 'image' or 'phantom.' In Greek mythology, an 'eidolon' referred to a ghostly or shadowy representation of a person, often appearing in dreams or as an apparition. The concept of 'eidolon' was closely associated with the idea of a soul or spirit, and it was believed that these spectral images could appear to the living, representing individuals who were no longer physically present, such as deceased loved ones or revered figures from the past. Over time, the term 'eidolon' has been adopted into English to describe any phantom, illusion, or ghostly image that resembles a person or thing that is no longer in the physical realm, preserving its connection to its ancient Greek origins.

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Further usage examples of eidolon

1. The novelist crafted a compelling story about a haunted eidolon that tormented the protagonist's dreams.
2. The scholar dedicated years of research to uncover the secrets of the enigmatic eidolon from ancient mythology.
3. The eerie mist that enveloped the graveyard seemed to conceal the presence of an eidolon.
4. In the dark depths of the ocean, an eidolon-like creature swam gracefully, captivating all who witnessed its beauty.
5. The haunted mansion was believed to be the residence of an eidolon, causing many to fear its eerie reputation.
6. The ancient temple was believed to house the eidolon of a revered deity.
7. As the mist cleared, an eerie eidolon emerged from the forest.
8. The old mansion was rumored to be haunted by an eidolon.
9. The artist's painting captured the eidolon of a long-lost love.
10. She believed the shadowy figure to be an eidolon of her late husband.
11. The moonlight cast an ethereal eidolon on the still water.
12. In her dreams, the eidolon of her childhood home was vivid.
13. The stories of a spectral eidolon frightened the villagers.
14. The mirror seemed to reflect an eerie eidolon of her past self.
15. The ancient legends spoke of an eidolon guarding hidden treasure.
16. He claimed to have glimpsed the eidolon of a legendary warrior.
17. The shimmering waters of the lake held an eidolon's reflection.
18. The fog created a mysterious eidolon on the deserted street.
19. The eerie eidolon in the attic was the source of many tales.
20. She believed the cemetery held the eidolons of departed souls.
21. The old theater was said to harbor the eidolon of a famous actor.
22. The cave paintings depicted the eidolon of a forgotten civilization.
23. The whispered rumors told of an eidolon haunting the castle.
24. The misty forest held an otherworldly eidolon in its depths.
25. The eerie silence in the abandoned house felt like an eidolon.



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