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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce exhort (audio)

Dictionary definition of exhort

To strongly encourage or urge someone to do something, typically by giving them advice or making a persuasive argument.
"The teacher would often exhort her students to read beyond the syllabus."

Detailed meaning of exhort

It is often used in the context of giving advice, making a plea or giving a motivational speech. Exhortation is a form of persuasion that aims to inspire or motivate someone to take action.

Exhortation can take many forms, from a simple plea to a passionate and impassioned speech. It can be done in a formal or informal setting, and can be directed at one person or a group of people. The goal of exhortation is to inspire and motivate people to take action or make a change in their lives.

Exhortation can be used in many different contexts such as politics, religion, education and personal development. In religious contexts, exhortation often takes the form of sermons or homilies, and the goal is to inspire believers to live a virtuous life and follow the teachings of their faith. In political contexts, exhortation often takes the form of speeches, and the goal is to inspire citizens to support a particular cause or candidate.

Exhortation is often seen as a positive and beneficial act, as it aims to inspire and motivate people to make positive changes in their lives.

Example sentences containing exhort

1. She would often exhort her team to strive for excellence.
2. The coach would exhort the players to give their all on the field.
3. The motivational speaker would exhort the audience to chase their dreams.
4. He would exhort his students to never stop learning.
5. The environmentalist would exhort people to reduce their carbon footprint.
6. The leader would exhort the community to work together for change.

History and etymology of exhort

The verb 'exhort' has its etymological roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'exhortari,' which consists of 'ex,' meaning 'thoroughly' or 'intensively,' and 'hortari,' meaning 'to urge' or 'to encourage.' In ancient Rome, 'exhortari' was used to describe the act of strongly encouraging or urging someone to take a particular course of action, often through persuasive advice or counsel. This concept of urging with intensity and conviction was carried into English with the word 'exhort,' where it retained its meaning of passionately advising or encouraging someone to do something. Therefore, the etymology of 'exhort' underscores its historical association with the forceful and persuasive act of urging and encouraging others, often with a sense of conviction and enthusiasm.

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Further usage examples of exhort

1. She would exhort her colleagues to embrace innovation.
2. The preacher would exhort the congregation to live virtuously.
3. The teacher would exhort her students to believe in themselves.
4. He would exhort his friends to join him in volunteering for a good cause.
5. I exhort you to exercise regularly for good health.
6. We exhort all our members to participate in the annual conference.
7. The captain will exhort his team to play fair and work together.
8. The city council exhort residents to reduce their water usage during the drought.
9. They exhort their peers to respect diversity and promote tolerance.
10. Parents often exhort their children to eat more vegetables.
11. Environmental organizations exhort the public to recycle and reuse.
12. Doctors exhort us to maintain a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle.
13. Religious leaders exhort their followers to live a righteous life.
14. Celebrities often exhort their fans to help charities.
15. I exhort you to respect others' opinions, even when you disagree.
16. The headmaster would exhort the students to uphold the school's values.
17. Authorities exhort citizens to follow the rules for the public's safety.
18. Employers often exhort their employees to take regular breaks to avoid burnout.
19. Coaches exhort their athletes to train hard and stay disciplined.
20. Writers exhort readers to broaden their horizons through different genres.
21. He would exhort his friend to stop smoking for the sake of health.
22. The king would exhort his knights to act with honor and valor.
23. Professors exhort their students to think critically and question assumptions.

GRE 1 (Graduate Record Examination), Advice and Guidance, Influence and Persuasion, Intrigue and Advocacy


urge, discourage, dissuade, deter



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