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Dictionary definition of flummoxed
Confused, perplexed, or bewildered.
"He was flummoxed by the difficult question and couldn't think of an answer."
Detailed meaning of flummoxed
It is a more informal way of saying that someone is at a loss and doesn't know how to proceed or react. The term comes from the British slang, and it's used to describe a state of mental confusion or bewilderment. It can also be used to describe a situation that is difficult to understand or make sense of. For example, a person may be flummoxed by a complex math problem or a tricky puzzle, or they may be flummoxed by an unexpected turn of events. Additionally, it can also be used to describe someone who is temporarily thrown off balance or thrown off guard by something. In general, flummoxed implies a state of confusion, perplexity, and mental disorientation or being unable to understand or react to something.
Example sentences containing flummoxed
1. She was flummoxed by the sudden change in plans and didn't know what to do.
2. The students were flummoxed by the complex problem and couldn't find a solution.
3. He was flummoxed by the unexpected turn of events and didn't know how to react.
4. The teacher was flummoxed by the students' lack of understanding and didn't know how to explain it better.
5. She was flummoxed by the strange behavior of her colleague and didn't know what to make of it.
6. The CEO was flummoxed by the sudden drop in profits and didn't know how to turn things around.
History and etymology of flummoxed
The adjective 'flummoxed' has an intriguing and somewhat mysterious etymology. Its precise origin is not entirely clear, but it is believed to be of British origin, possibly originating in the late 18th or early 19th century. Some theories suggest that it may be an alteration or combination of various dialectal words or phrases that meant 'bewildered' or 'confused.' Regardless of its exact origin, 'flummoxed' vividly captures the state of being thoroughly perplexed or bewildered. Its playful and unusual sound mirrors the sense of confusion it describes, making it a fitting term to express a state of mental disarray or befuddlement.
Further usage examples of flummoxed
1. He was flummoxed by the unexpected result of the experiment and didn't know how to interpret it.
2. The customer was flummoxed by the complicated instructions and didn't know how to use the product.
3. She was flummoxed by the sudden loss of her job and didn't know what her next step should be.
4. The detective was flummoxed by the lack of leads in the case and didn't know how to proceed.
5. He was flummoxed by the sudden change in weather and didn't know how to prepare for it.
6. The complex math problem left even the brightest students in the class flummoxed.
7. When she realized the car wouldn't start, she felt completely flummoxed and helpless.
8. His flummoxed expression upon receiving the surprising news was priceless to witness.
9. The detective was flummoxed by the convoluted clues that led him in circles.
10. She was so flummoxed by the abrupt question that she stammered through her response.
11. The unexpected plot twist left the audience flummoxed and eager for the next episode.
12. The CEO was flummoxed when the board of directors voted against his strategic plan.
13. Navigating the maze of one-way streets in the new city left me entirely flummoxed.
14. The scientist was flummoxed when his experiment produced results contrary to his hypothesis.
15. The teacher was flummoxed by the student's unusual but brilliant solution to the problem.
16. My computer suddenly crashed, leaving me flummoxed and scrambling to recover my work.
17. She was flummoxed by her toddler's incessant questions about the nature of existence.
18. The actor was flummoxed when he forgot his lines during the live performance.
19. When presented with the moral dilemma, he was flummoxed and took a long time to decide.
20. The medical team was flummoxed by the patient's symptoms, as they defied conventional diagnosis.
21. Being asked to speak impromptu at the event left me completely flummoxed and anxious.
22. During the debate, his opponent's counterargument left him flummoxed and momentarily speechless.
23. The magician's final trick left the audience flummoxed, wondering how he pulled it off.
24. She was flummoxed by the intricacies of the tax code and decided to hire a professional.
25. The sudden and unexplained disappearance of his keys left him flummoxed and frustrated.,,,
TOEFL 6, Sorrow and Strife, Embarrassment and Discomfort, Doubt and Skepticism
Synonyms for flummoxed
Quiz categories containing flummoxed
baffled, clear, unconfused, certain