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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce grace (audio)

Dictionary definition of grace

The embodiment of poise, harmony, and dignity, expressed through gentle movements and a serene countenance.
"The ballerina moved with grace, effortlessly gliding across the stage."

Detailed meaning of grace

Grace, as a noun, encompasses a multitude of rich and nuanced meanings, resonating both in the realms of spirituality and human character. It embodies an elegant and effortless quality, an inner beauty that emanates from an individual's demeanor and actions. It is the ability to navigate life's challenges with an aura of tranquility and acceptance, embracing both successes and failures with equanimity. Grace is the embodiment of compassion and kindness, the capacity to extend forgiveness and empathy to others, even in the face of adversity. It is the art of extending a helping hand, speaking words of encouragement, and uplifting those around us. Grace carries a sense of gratitude, acknowledging the blessings we receive and responding with humility and appreciation. It is an expression of gratitude for the beauty and wonder of existence. Ultimately, grace is an ethereal quality that transcends mere physicality, capturing the essence of goodness, elegance, and spiritual connection.

Example sentences containing grace

1. Despite facing criticism, she handled the situation with grace and dignity.
2. The elderly woman's wrinkled face exuded wisdom and grace.
3. He spoke with grace and eloquence, captivating the audience.
4. The falling leaves descended to the ground with grace and elegance.
5. She extended her hand with grace, offering her support to those in need.
6. The sunset painted the sky with a palette of vibrant colors, a display of nature's grace.

History and etymology of grace

The noun 'grace' carries with it a rich etymology that traces its roots to the Latin word 'gratia.' In Latin, 'gratia' had a broad range of meanings, including favor, kindness, and goodwill. It also had connections to the concept of charm and beauty. Over time, 'gratia' evolved and found its way into Old French as 'grâce,' where it took on more nuanced meanings related to elegance, charm, and poise. This refined sense of 'grâce' was adopted into Middle English as 'grace,' where it came to signify the embodiment of poise, harmony, and dignity, expressed through gentle movements and a serene countenance. Therefore, the modern understanding of 'grace' as a quality associated with elegance and dignity reflects its long journey from the Latin 'gratia' through Old French to Middle English.

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Further usage examples of grace

1. The graceful swan glided across the calm lake, leaving ripples in its wake.
2. In the face of adversity, she faced it with grace, never losing her composure.
3. The musician's fingers danced across the piano keys, creating a melody of grace and beauty.
4. The newborn baby was a symbol of innocence and pure grace.
5. With a heart full of grace, she embraced forgiveness and let go of past grievances.
6. She danced with grace and elegance, captivating the audience.
7. His grace on the stage was mesmerizing, a true ballet virtuoso.
8. The swan glided across the pond with effortless grace.
9. Her grace in adversity inspired everyone around her.
10. The old tree stood with a timeless grace in the garden.
11. He faced the challenge with unwavering grace and composure.
12. The artist's brushstrokes captured the essence of grace.
13. The sunset painted the sky in shades of serene grace.
14. The poet's words flowed with a lyrical grace.
15. In her presence, there was an aura of quiet grace.
16. The piano's melody filled the room with a sense of grace.
17. The ballerina's movements were a symphony of grace and beauty.
18. The horse moved with power and grace on the racetrack.
19. His smile held a warmth and grace that lit up the room.
20. The garden was a sanctuary of natural beauty and grace.
21. The mountain's peak offered a breathtaking view of nature's grace.
22. The queen carried herself with regal grace and dignity.
23. The architecture of the cathedral was a testament to grace.
24. The butterfly fluttered by, a symbol of delicate grace.
25. Their love story unfolded with a timeless grace and charm.

TOEFL 3, Beauty and Appearance, Charm and Charisma, Demeanor and Bearing


elegance, clumsiness, inelegance, awkwardness



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