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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce idiomatic (audio)

Dictionary definition of idiomatic

Using language that is specific to a particular region or community.
"The tourist struggled to understand the idiomatic expressions used by the locals."

Detailed meaning of idiomatic

It implies that the language being used is natural, fluent, and reflects the idiosyncrasies and nuances of a specific culture or language group. Idiomatic language often includes expressions or idioms that are unique to a particular language or dialect, and may be difficult to understand for those who are not familiar with them. Idiomatic expressions are often used colloquially and are not intended to be taken literally. They are often used to convey a particular meaning or tone that cannot be expressed by the literal meaning of the words. Overall, the term 'idiomatic' is used to describe language that is natural, fluent, and reflects the unique character and nuances of a particular language or dialect.

Example sentences containing idiomatic

1. Her idiomatic speech revealed her deep connection to the local culture.
2. Translating idiomatic phrases can be challenging due to their unique meanings.
3. Learning idiomatic expressions is essential for understanding native speakers.
4. His idiomatic writing style captured the essence of the city he loved.
5. The idiomatic nuances of regional dialects can be fascinating to explore.
6. She effortlessly switched between idiomatic phrases from different languages.

History and etymology of idiomatic

The adjective 'idiomatic' is derived from the noun 'idiom,' which itself comes from the Greek word 'idioma,' meaning 'peculiarity' or 'special feature.' This etymological connection underscores the essence of 'idiomatic' as it pertains to the use of language that is specific to a particular region or community, reflecting their unique linguistic peculiarities. 'Idiomatic' describes expressions, phrases, or language usage that is characteristic of a particular group, making it distinct and often not easily understood by those outside of that group. The term 'idiomatic' thus eloquently captures the idea of language reflecting the cultural and regional nuances of a specific community, highlighting its linguistic peculiarity.

Quiz: Find the meaning of the adjective idiomatic:

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Further usage examples of idiomatic

1. Idiomatic language often incorporates slang and colloquialisms.
2. Understanding idiomatic usage is crucial for effective language comprehension.
3. The author's idiomatic descriptions painted a vivid picture of the setting.
4. Idiomatic humor can be hard to grasp for those not familiar with the culture.
5. He used idiomatic phrases to connect with the local community.
6. The idiomatic expressions in the play added authenticity to the characters.
7. Idiomatic differences can lead to amusing misunderstandings between speakers.
8. Learning idiomatic variations can be a delightful part of language acquisition.
9. The teacher explained the idiomatic meanings behind common expressions.
10. Idiomatic language can provide insights into the history and values of a region.
11. She adapted her speech to be more idiomatic while living abroad.
12. Idiomatic storytelling traditions are passed down through generations.
13. The movie's idiomatic humor resonated with viewers from that region.
14. Idiomatic phrases often reflect the unique way a community views the world.
15. The newscaster used an idiomatic phrase that confused viewers who were not familiar with the language.
16. The language course focused on teaching students idiomatic expressions used by native speakers.
17. His writing was praised for its use of idiomatic language that captured the spirit of the region.
18. The translator struggled to find an idiomatic equivalent for the phrase in the target language.
19. The singer's idiomatic pronunciation of the foreign language lyrics impressed the audience.
20. The author's use of idiomatic expressions gave the story a unique and authentic voice.
21. The film was praised for its use of idiomatic language that captured the cultural nuances of the setting.
22. The teacher emphasized the importance of learning idiomatic expressions in order to sound more natural when speaking the language.
23. The novel was praised for its use of idiomatic language that added depth and complexity to the characters.
24. The actor's idiomatic delivery of the dialogue added authenticity to the historical drama.
25. The language program emphasized the importance of idiomatic language in order to understand and communicate effectively with native speakers.

Discourse and Conveyance, Words and Language, Lexicon and Linguistics


colloquial, standard, formal, universal



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