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Dictionary definition of jinx
A supposed curse or spell that brings bad luck or misfortune to a person or thing.
"Some people believe that breaking a mirror will jinx their luck for seven years."
Detailed meaning of jinx
It is a superstition that associates a particular person or thing with bad luck. It is believed that by saying certain words, performing certain actions, or having certain associations, a person or thing can be cursed or "jinxed" and will experience bad luck or misfortune. For example, a person might say that they are jinxed, meaning that they have had a run of bad luck and believe that it is due to a curse or spell. Or, one might say that a certain object is jinxed, meaning that it brings bad luck to whoever possesses it.
In general, the term implies that there is a supposed curse or spell that brings bad luck or relegation to a person or thing, whether it's a person, an object or a situation, and that it is a superstition that associates a particular person or thing with bad luck, and that it is believed that by saying certain words, performing certain actions, or having certain associations, a person or thing can be cursed or "jinxed" and will experience bad luck or relegation.
Example sentences containing jinx
1. He thought that buying that shirt would jinx the team's chances of winning the game.
2. She was afraid that talking about the project before it was finished would jinx it.
3. He thought that the new place was jinxed after experiencing so many bad luck.
4. She was convinced that the number 13 was a jinx and always avoided it.
5. He was sure that the strange feeling he had was a jinx and he decided not to go to the game
6. She thought that saying the word "jinx" would make her lose the game.
7. He was afraid that the jinx would ruin his winning streak.
History and etymology of jinx
The noun 'jinx' has a somewhat mysterious and uncertain etymology. Its origins are not definitively known, but it is believed to have emerged in American English during the late 19th century. One theory suggests that 'jinx' may have its roots in the West African Akan language, where 'jwɛn' means 'bad luck' or 'ill omen.' Another theory links it to the Romani word 'jivets,' which means 'evil eye' or 'curse.' Regardless of its exact origin, 'jinx' came to represent a supposed curse or spell that brings bad luck or misfortune to a person or thing. Its etymology may remain somewhat elusive, but the concept of bad luck and the notion of being under a spell are central to its meaning.
Further usage examples of jinx
1. She thought that the broken vase was a jinx on her wedding day.
2. He was convinced that the black cat crossing his path was a jinx.
3. She thought that the bad luck was caused by a jinx put on her by a rival.
4. He thought that the unlucky coincidence was a jinx on his plans.
5. Whenever he wore his lucky charm, he believed it would ward off any jinx.
6. She blamed the jinx for her string of bad luck.
7. It felt like there was a jinx on their team as they kept losing every game.
8. He avoided mentioning the upcoming exam, fearing it would jinx his chances of success.
9. The actor believed that saying the name of the play out loud would invite a jinx.
10. They considered the black cat crossing their path as a jinx.
11. The team's winning streak came to an end after they believed they had broken the jinx.
12. She carried a rabbit's foot for good luck, hoping it would prevent any jinx.
13. Superstitious beliefs led him to perform various rituals to avoid the jinx.
14. The player's missed shot was attributed to the jinx that surrounded him.
15. The old legend warned of a jinx on anyone who disturbed the ancient artifact.
16. They laughed nervously, not wanting to jinx their plans for the weekend.
17. The actor refused to mention the word "Macbeth" backstage, fearing it would bring a jinx upon the performance.
18. He couldn't help but feel responsible for the jinx that seemed to follow him everywhere.
19. The couple believed that their broken mirror had caused a jinx on their relationship.
20. The team wore lucky socks to break the jinx and secure a victory.
21. The hotel room had a reputation for being jinxed, with guests reporting strange occurrences.
22. They avoided stepping on sidewalk cracks, believing it would prevent a jinx.
23. The friends laughed off the jinx that had caused their flight to be delayed multiple times.
24. The jinx seemed to lift when they discovered a four-leaf clover in the garden.,,
TOEFL 9, High School 9, Emotions and Serendipity
Synonyms for jinx
Quiz categories containing jinx
curse, blessing, fortune, luck