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Dictionary definition of limpid
Clear, transparent, and free from clouds, impurities, or obstructions.
"The limpid quality of the glass made it appear almost invisible."
Detailed meaning of limpid
It is often used to describe liquids, such as water, that are pure and transparent, but it can also be used to describe other things such as the sky, air, or light. Limpid is often used to describe a person's eyes, particularly when they express an emotion, it is thought to be a sign of a clear, honest, and sincere expression.
It can also be used to describe a person's speech or writing, which is simple, clear, and easy to understand. Limpid writing is one that is easy to read and understand, and it is free from complexity or ambiguity.
In general, Limpid is an adjective that describes something that is clear, transparent, and free from clouds, impurities, or obstructions. It can be used to describe liquids, eyes, the sky, air, light, speech, and writing. It implies a sense of purity, clarity and transparency, which is often associated with honesty, sincerity and ease of understanding.
Example sentences containing limpid
1. The lake's limpid waters reflected the clear blue sky above.
2. Her limpid eyes sparkled with joy and innocence.
3. The poet described the stream as a limpid ribbon flowing through the meadow.
4. The limpid notes of the piano filled the room with a soothing melody.
5. He gazed into the limpid pool, mesmerized by the vibrant colors of the fish.
6. The limpid voice of the singer captivated the audience with its purity.
History and etymology of limpid
The adjective 'limpid' has its etymological origins in Latin, specifically from the word 'limpidus,' which means 'clear' or 'transparent.' This Latin term, in turn, is believed to have been influenced by the earlier Latin word 'limpa,' meaning 'water' or 'liquid.' Consequently, 'limpid' carries with it a sense of clarity and transparency, often used to describe something that is free from clouds, impurities, or obstructions. Its etymology reflects the idea of a substance or object that allows light to pass through without distortion, much like clear water, making it an apt term for describing pristine clarity and transparency in various contexts.
Further usage examples of limpid
1. She wrote with a limpid style that was easy to understand and appreciate.
2. The morning light cast a limpid glow over the serene landscape.
3. His prose flowed with limpid clarity, making his ideas accessible to all readers.
4. The limpid air of the mountain peak invigorated her senses.
5. The limpid glass of water quenched her thirst on a hot summer day.
6. Her paintings had a limpid quality, capturing the essence of light and color.
7. He spoke with a limpid diction that made his words resonate with impact.
8. The limpid moonlight illuminated the path as they walked through the forest.
9. The limpid surface of the mirror reflected her radiant smile.
10. She had a limpid voice that could effortlessly hit high notes.
11. The limpid tears in her eyes betrayed her sadness.
12. His limpid explanation cleared up any confusion we had.
13. The limpid prose of the novel transported readers to another world.
14. The limpid morning dew adorned the petals of the flowers, adding a touch of beauty.,,
Clarity and Candor, Optical Phenomena and Radiance, Light and Visibility
Synonyms for limpid
Quiz categories containing limpid
clear, murky, cloudy, opaque