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Dictionary definition of loathsome

Extremely repulsive, disgusting, or detestable.
"The loathsome stench of the sewage filled the entire neighborhood."

Detailed meaning of loathsome

It conveys a strong sense of intense aversion or disgust. When applied to a person, it implies behavior, traits, or actions that evoke strong feelings of revulsion or abhorrence. Similarly, when describing an object, event, or situation, "loathsome" suggests something that is highly unpleasant, offensive, or abominable. It evokes a visceral reaction of deep dislike or repugnance. The term "loathsome" implies qualities or characteristics that are deeply offensive or repulsive, leading to a strong sense of repugnance or abhorrence in those who encounter or observe them.

Example sentences containing loathsome

1. The putrid smell emanating from the dumpster was utterly loathsome.
2. His loathsome behavior towards his coworkers made him universally disliked.
3. The sight of the decaying carcass was both horrifying and loathsome.
4. The movie depicted a loathsome villain who delighted in causing pain and suffering.
5. The taste of the spoiled milk was absolutely loathsome.
6. The politician's corrupt actions were deemed loathsome by the public.

History and etymology of loathsome

The adjective 'loathsome' has its origins in Old English, where it was spelled as 'lāðsām.' Breaking it down, 'lāð' meant 'hostile' or 'hateful,' and 'sām' denoted 'some,' similar to 'like' or 'tending to be.' Therefore, 'loathsome' essentially means 'tending to be hateful or repulsive.' Over time, the word evolved in Middle English to 'lothsum,' maintaining its core meaning of something profoundly disgusting or detestable. This etymology reveals the deep-rooted connection between the word 'loathsome' and the strong feelings of aversion or repulsion it conveys.

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Further usage examples of loathsome

1. She couldn't bear to touch the loathsome slimy creature.
2. The vile and loathsome comments on social media disgusted many users.
3. The serial killer's heinous crimes were described as loathsome by the media.
4. The oppressive dictator's regime was characterized by loathsome human rights abuses.
5. The abandoned building had become a loathsome breeding ground for pests and rodents.
6. The smell from the dumpster was absolutely loathsome.
7. His behavior at the party was utterly loathsome.
8. The abandoned building was filled with loathsome creatures.
9. The crime scene was a loathsome sight for the detectives.
10. The taste of the spoiled milk was undeniably loathsome.
11. She found the sight of the decaying food loathsome.
12. The politician's actions were seen as loathsome by many.
13. The villain in the story was truly loathsome.
14. The abandoned asylum had a loathsome history.
15. The disease brought with it loathsome symptoms.
16. The spider's bite left a loathsome mark.
17. The sight of the polluted river was loathsome.
18. The criminal's deeds were considered loathsome by society.
19. The abandoned cemetery had a loathsome aura.
20. The taste of the exotic dish was unexpectedly loathsome.
21. The movie's antagonist was a loathsome character.
22. The dark alley felt particularly loathsome at night.
23. The man's actions towards animals were loathsome.
24. The abandoned factory was filled with loathsome relics.
25. The loathsome smell in the room was unbearable.



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