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Dictionary definition of repugnant

Extremely offensive, disgusting, or abhorrent, often evoking strong feelings of disgust, revulsion, or aversion.
"The smell coming from the garbage was absolutely repugnant."

Detailed meaning of repugnant

When a person or thing is described as repugnant, it implies that they go against accepted standards of morality, ethics, or taste and are considered deeply objectionable or repulsive. This term conveys a sense of intense disapproval and a strong desire to avoid or distance oneself from the subject. For example, actions that violate basic human rights may be described as repugnant, and certain offensive odors or tastes can be labeled as repugnant due to their nauseating or offensive nature. "Repugnant" underscores the idea of something or someone being profoundly offensive or objectionable, often causing a visceral negative reaction.

Example sentences containing repugnant

1. His repugnant behavior made everyone uncomfortable.
2. The smell from the trash can was utterly repugnant.
3. The violence in the movie was so repugnant that I had to look away.
4. The taste of the spoiled food was truly repugnant.
5. His racist comments were repugnant and unacceptable.
6. The idea of animal cruelty is repugnant to most people.

History and etymology of repugnant

The term 'repugnant' has its origins in the Latin language, specifically from the word 'repugnans,' which is the present participle of 'repugnare.' This Latin verb can be broken down into two components: 're-' meaning 'back' or 'against,' and 'pugnare' meaning 'to fight' or 'to oppose.' Therefore, the etymology of 'repugnant' suggests a strong sense of opposition or resistance. Over time, this word evolved in English to describe things or actions that are highly objectionable and evoke intense feelings of disgust, revulsion, or aversion, emphasizing the idea of something being fundamentally opposed to one's sensibilities or values.

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Further usage examples of repugnant

1. The repugnant slurs used in the argument shocked everyone.
2. The sight of the decaying carcass was repugnant.
3. Her actions were morally repugnant to many.
4. The dictator's actions were universally repugnant.
5. The thought of betrayal is repugnant to him.
6. The conditions in the prison were repugnant.
7. The repugnant stench filled the room.
8. His lies and deceit are utterly repugnant.
9. The hatred in his heart was repugnant.
10. The display of prejudice was repugnant to all.
11. The taste of the medicine was repugnant.
12. The thought of child exploitation is repugnant.
13. The repugnant graffiti defaced the building.
14. His behavior towards women is repugnant and inexcusable.
15. His repugnant behavior towards his coworkers made him unpopular in the office.
16. The idea of eating raw meat was repugnant to her.
17. The thought of harming innocent animals was repugnant to him.
18. The politician's repugnant remarks were widely condemned by the public.
19. The film contained a repugnant scene of violence that made some viewers uncomfortable.
20. The notion of discriminating against people based on their race or gender is repugnant to most people.
21. The company's repugnant business practices led to a public outcry.
22. The restaurant received numerous complaints about the repugnant taste of their food.
23. The sight of the injured animal was repugnant to her, and she had to look away.
24. The repugnant smell of the chemicals made her dizzy and nauseous.
25. The man's repugnant personality made it difficult for others to be around him.


disgusting, appealing, attractive, delightful


Suffix -ant, Personality and Character Traits, Repugnance and Revulsion, Rudeness and Unrefined

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