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Dictionary definition of locution
A particular way of expressing oneself in speech or writing, often characterized by the use of specific words or phrases.
"The professor's use of technical locution was confusing to many of the students."
Detailed meaning of locution
It can also refer to a particular style or manner of speaking, such as a regional or social dialect. Locution is often used in linguistic analysis to describe the specific language choices made by individuals or groups. In some contexts, locution can also refer to a specific phrase or expression that is used in a particular language or culture. Overall, locution is an important concept in the study of language and communication, as it can reveal a great deal about the social, cultural, and historical contexts in which language is used.
Example sentences containing locution
1. Her locution is marked by eloquent and precise language.
2. The poet's unique locution evokes deep emotions in readers.
3. His casual locution made complex ideas easy to understand.
4. The diplomat's diplomatic locution diffused tensions gracefully.
5. In his speeches, the politician uses populist locution.
6. Shakespeare's locution enriched the English language.
History and etymology of locution
The noun 'locution' has its etymological roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'locutio,' which is formed by combining 'loqui,' meaning 'to speak,' and the suffix '-tio,' denoting the act of. Therefore, 'locution' originally referred to the act of speaking or the manner in which one expresses themselves verbally. Over time, in the context of language and communication, it came to represent a particular way of expressing oneself in speech or writing, often characterized by the use of specific words or phrases. The etymology of 'locution' underscores its connection to the art and practice of communication, highlighting the significance of language and expression in conveying thoughts, ideas, and emotions with distinct linguistic choices.
Further usage examples of locution
1. The professor's academic locution can be challenging to follow.
2. The comedian's humorous locution delighted the audience.
3. Legal documents often feature complex legal locution.
4. The writer's poetic locution painted vivid mental images.
5. He prefers a straightforward locution in his writing.
6. The author's colloquial locution resonated with young readers.
7. In debates, her persuasive locution swayed opinions.
8. The journalist's concise locution made headlines impactful.
9. The therapist's empathetic locution put clients at ease.
10. The CEO's business locution outlined the company's strategy.
11. The preacher's religious locution inspired his congregation.
12. The orator's passionate locution stirred the crowd.
13. The scientist's technical locution clarified the experiment.
14. The artist's abstract locution challenged traditional perceptions.
15. Her locution was formal and precise, reflecting her education and training.
16. His regional locution gave away his origins.
17. The poet's use of archaic locution added to the antique feel of his work.
18. The candidate's casual locution endeared her to many voters.
19. The writer's use of colloquial locution helped to create a sense of intimacy with the reader.
20. His awkward locution betrayed his lack of experience in public speaking.
21. The historian's use of academic locution made her work difficult to read for the average person.
22. The comedian's use of irreverent locution was both shocking and hilarious.
23. The politician's use of political locution was designed to appeal to his base.
24. Her use of elevated locution made her seem pompous and out of touch.
25. The writer's use of literary locution added depth and richness to her prose.,,,
Interaction and Articulation, Words and Language, Middle School 1, Writing and Composing
Synonyms for locution
Quiz categories containing locution
expression, silence, inarticulateness, non-expression