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Dictionary definition of luscious

Highly pleasing to the senses, particularly the sense of taste or touch.
"The luscious green meadows stretched as far as the eye could see."

Detailed meaning of luscious

It refers to the quality or characteristics of being exceptionally delicious, juicy, or succulent. When used to describe food or flavors, "luscious" implies a rich, indulgent, and delectable quality that stimulates the palate and creates a pleasurable eating experience. Additionally, "luscious" can be used to describe something visually appealing, such as vibrant and vivid colors or luxurious and velvety textures. It conveys a sense of luxuriousness and opulence, often associated with things that are desirable and enticing. The term "luscious" evokes a sensory experience that is deeply satisfying and enjoyable, capturing the essence of indulgence and sensory pleasure in a captivating and sumptuous manner.

Example sentences of luscious

1. The luscious chocolate cake melted in her mouth.
2. She wore a dress made of luscious silk that shimmered in the light.
3. The tropical fruit salad was a luscious explosion of flavors.
4. His voice had a luscious, velvety quality that mesmerized the audience.
5. The garden was filled with luscious blooms of vibrant colors.
6. The aroma of freshly baked bread was incredibly luscious.

History and etymology of luscious

The adjective 'luscious' has a delectable etymology rooted in Latin. It can be traced back to the Latin word 'lusciosus,' which meant 'full of juice' or 'pleasantly sweet.' This Latin term was derived from 'luscus,' meaning 'blind in one eye' or 'having a squint,' which eventually evolved to connote a sense of luxury and indulgence. Over time, 'luscious' transitioned from its literal association with juiciness to a broader meaning, describing things that are highly pleasing to the senses, particularly the sense of taste or touch. The etymology of 'luscious' thus underscores its connection to the delightful and often indulgent sensations experienced when savoring something sweet or luxuriating in a pleasurable tactile experience.

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Further usage examples of luscious

1. She painted her nails a luscious shade of deep red.
2. The spa offered luscious treatments that left clients feeling pampered.
3. The wine had a luscious, fruity bouquet that delighted connoisseurs.
4. The sunset painted the sky with luscious shades of orange and pink.
5. The gourmet restaurant served a luscious three-course meal.
6. The rich and luscious moisturizer left her skin feeling soft.
7. The luscious strawberries were plump and sweet.
8. The velvet couch was as luscious to the touch as it was to the eye.
9. The luscious melodies of the orchestra filled the concert hall.
10. The luscious scent of roses wafted through the garden.
11. The luscious sound of the piano echoed in the grand hall.
12. Her luscious lips were adorned with a glossy, deep plum shade.
13. The dessert menu featured a selection of luscious treats.
14. The tropical island was known for its luscious, palm-fringed beaches.
15. The luscious aroma of freshly baked bread filled the kitchen.
16. She took a bite of the luscious chocolate cake and savored every rich flavor.
17. The ripe strawberries looked luscious and irresistible.
18. The luscious red velvet curtains added an elegant touch to the room.
19. The tropical fruit salad was a colorful and luscious treat.
20. She applied a coat of luscious, glossy lipstick before going out.
21. The chef prepared a luscious seafood dish with succulent shrimp and scallops.
22. The garden was filled with luscious, fragrant flowers.
23. The creamy cheesecake had a luscious texture that melted in your mouth.
24. The painting depicted a luscious landscape with vibrant colors.
25. The warm, golden sunshine made the beach look even more luscious.
26. The luxurious spa offered luscious treatments for ultimate relaxation.
27. The vineyard produced luscious wines with complex flavors.
28. She ran her fingers through her luscious, silky hair.



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