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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce nerve (audio)

Dictionary definition of nerve

Courage, resilience, or the ability to remain composed in challenging or stressful situations.
"It took a lot of nerve for him to deliver the presentation in front of a large audience."

Detailed meaning of nerve

It denotes inner strength and determination, often associated with facing fears or taking bold actions despite adversity. The noun "nerve" also refers to a bundle of specialized fibers in the body that transmit electrical signals between the brain, spinal cord, and various parts of the body. Nerves are a vital component of the nervous system, facilitating communication and coordination between different organs, tissues, and cells. They serve as pathways for sensory information, allowing us to perceive and respond to external stimuli such as touch, pain, temperature, and sound. Additionally, nerves enable the brain to send instructions to muscles, controlling movement and motor functions. The complex network of nerves ensures the proper functioning of bodily systems and enables us to interact with our environment.

Example sentences containing nerve

1. She displayed incredible nerve during the high-pressure presentation.
2. His nerve in the face of danger was truly admirable.
3. The athlete's nerves of steel helped her win the championship.
4. Their nerve kept them calm amidst the chaos of the storm.
5. Facing criticism with grace, she showed immense nerve.
6. The soldier's unwavering nerve earned him a medal of honor.

History and etymology of nerve

The noun 'nerve' in the context of courage, resilience, or composure in challenging situations has an interesting etymology. It derives from the Latin word 'nervus,' which originally referred to a sinew or tendon in the human body. This Latin term later evolved to encompass the metaphorical idea of strength and vigor, as sinews were associated with physical strength and tension. Over time, the concept expanded to encompass the inner strength and fortitude required to face difficult circumstances. Thus, the word 'nerve' in this context carries with it the historical connotations of inner strength and the ability to withstand adversity.

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Further usage examples of nerve

1. Maintaining her nerve, she tackled the challenging task.
2. In dire circumstances, his nerve never wavered.
3. Her nerve was evident as she confronted the difficult decision.
4. The pilot's nerve saved the passengers during the emergency.
5. He relied on his nerve to overcome his fear of public speaking.
6. Their collective nerve was the key to the team's success.
7. With steady nerve, she defused the tense situation.
8. The leader's nerve inspired confidence in the team.
9. Facing a tough opponent, he summoned his inner nerve.
10. Their collective nerve helped them survive the wilderness.
11. She demonstrated remarkable nerve while handling the crisis.
12. In the courtroom, the lawyer's nerve was unmatched.
13. The surgeon's steady nerve ensured a successful operation.
14. With unwavering nerve, he confronted his biggest fears.
15. Through adversity, her nerve remained unshaken.
16. In the world of finance, his nerve led to significant gains.
17. Their resilience and nerve were tested during the expedition.
18. Displaying incredible nerve, he faced the hostile crowd.
19. With unwavering nerve, she fought for justice.
20. The explorer's nerve guided them through treacherous terrain.
21. Despite the odds, his nerve propelled him to victory.
22. Her nerve under pressure impressed her colleagues.
23. They admired his nerve in pursuing his dreams.
24. The detective's nerve cracked the toughest cases.

TOEFL 3, Fortitude and Rebellion, High School 6


bravery, cowardice, timidity, fearfulness



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