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Dictionary definition of niggard
A person who is stingy, miserly, or excessively frugal.
"Despite his wealth, the man lived like a niggard, hoarding his money."
Detailed meaning of niggard
It describes an individual who is unwilling to spend or give money, often displaying a strong desire to accumulate and hoard wealth. A niggard is known for their reluctance to be generous, even in situations where it may be expected or warranted. This term is used to describe someone who is excessively tightfisted, prioritizing personal financial gain over the well-being or needs of others. It is important to note that the word "niggard" should be used cautiously, as its phonetic similarity to a racial slur has led to misunderstandings and controversy. To avoid any unintended offense or confusion, it is advisable to opt for alternative terms such as "miser," "scrooge," or "cheapskate" to describe someone who displays a similar behavior.
Example sentences containing niggard
1. The niggard refused to contribute to the office charity fund.
2. He was known among his friends as a notorious niggard.
3. The wealthy businessman was criticized for his reputation as a niggard.
4. It's frustrating to work with a niggard who constantly tries to cut corners.
5. The niggard's refusal to tip the server was widely condemned.
6. The company's reputation suffered due to the actions of its niggard CEO.
History and etymology of niggard
The term 'niggard,' which refers to a person who is stingy or miserly, has a somewhat controversial etymology. It is derived from the Middle English word 'nigon,' meaning 'miserly' or 'stingy,' and is related to the Old Norse word 'hnøggr,' which has a similar meaning. However, it's crucial to note that 'niggard' is entirely unrelated to the offensive racial slur and has no etymological connection to it. Despite its innocent origins, the similarity in sound to the racial slur has led to some controversy and misunderstanding, causing many to avoid using the word 'niggard' to prevent any unintended offense.
Further usage examples of niggard
1. She inherited her father's niggardly nature, always reluctant to spend money.
2. The niggard's stinginess even extended to small gestures of generosity.
3. The employees were relieved when the niggard boss finally approved the budget for necessary equipment.
4. The niggard's obsession with saving every penny hindered the company's growth.
5. Friends often avoided inviting the niggard to social events due to his unwillingness to spend money.
6. The restaurant's poor service was a result of the niggardly owner cutting costs on staffing.
7. The niggard's refusal to lend a helping hand tarnished his reputation in the community.
8. It's disappointing when someone's niggardliness prevents them from experiencing the joy of giving.
9. The niggard refused to contribute to the charity fund.
10. His reputation as a niggard made him unpopular.
11. Being called a niggard offended him deeply.
12. The company's niggard of a CEO cut employee benefits.
13. Her father's reputation as a niggard was well-known.
14. The miserly niggard hoarded every penny he earned.
15. The town had a notorious niggard who never tipped.
16. Nobody wanted to partner with the office niggard.
17. The label of "niggard" stung him like an insult.
18. The family's niggardly habits led to financial woes.
19. A niggard rarely enjoys the pleasures of generosity.
20. His niggardliness extended to even the smallest expenses.
21. She considered her neighbor the neighborhood's niggard.
22. A niggard's lack of charity can affect a community.
23. People often tried to avoid doing business with the niggard.
24. The niggard's tightfisted ways strained his relationships.
25. Her uncle's reputation as a niggard was well-deserved.
26. The niggard's frugality bordered on extreme.
27. The family was embarrassed by their niggardly relative.
28. Confronting the niggard about his spending habits was necessary.,,
TOEFL 8, Discipline and Self-Control, Money and Finance
Synonyms for niggard
Quiz categories containing niggard
miser, spender, philanthropist, donor