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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



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Dictionary definition of ossify

Becoming rigid, inflexible, or unchanging over time, often in a metaphorical sense.
"If we let our scientific theories ossify, we might miss out on groundbreaking discoveries."

Detailed meaning of ossify

When something ossifies, it loses its adaptability or responsiveness and becomes fixed or set in its ways. This term is often used to describe how beliefs, traditions, or institutions can become entrenched and resistant to change, even in the face of evolving circumstances. In a biological context, ossification can also refer to the natural process of bone formation during an organism's development, where soft tissues gradually harden into bone. "Ossify" underscores the idea of something becoming less malleable and more resistant to transformation or evolution, often to its detriment in a dynamic and ever-changing world.

Example sentences containing ossify

1. When we allow our viewpoints to ossify, we run the risk of losing our ability to learn and adapt.
2. As you age, make sure not to let your knowledge ossify and always strive to continue learning.
3. His attitudes began to ossify after years of refusing to accept differing perspectives.
4. It is not beneficial for a company to ossify its business strategies in an ever-evolving market.
5. Don't let your creative process ossify; innovation requires constant fluidity and flexibility.
6. Beware of letting your exercise habits ossify, as your body's needs change over time.

History and etymology of ossify

The verb 'ossify' has its roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'ossificare,' which is a combination of 'os,' meaning 'bone,' and 'facere,' meaning 'to make' or 'to create.' Therefore, the etymology of 'ossify' conveys the idea of making or creating bone-like hardness or rigidity. In English, it is used metaphorically to describe the process of becoming rigid, inflexible, or unchanging over time, much like the hardening of bones as a person ages. When applied to ideas, institutions, or beliefs, 'ossify' signifies a state of becoming fixed and unyielding. The term 'ossify' underscores the notion of transformation into something rigid and unchanging, reflecting its historical connection to the concept of hardening or solidifying over time.

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Further usage examples of ossify

1. Society cannot afford to let its laws and regulations ossify in the face of changing times.
2. She was determined not to let her culinary skills ossify, and therefore tried new recipes every week.
3. It is crucial not to let our teaching methods ossify, given the rapidly changing educational landscape.
4. It is dangerous to let political ideologies ossify, as it can lead to a lack of progressive thinking.
5. Your relationship may suffer if you let your communication patterns ossify.
6. It's a mistake to ossify our understanding of history, as new discoveries constantly reshape our perceptions.
7. She refused to let her personal style ossify, always keeping up with the latest fashion trends.
8. While some traditions may ossify over time, it is important to reassess their relevance in the modern age.
9. In rapidly evolving fields like technology, it's detrimental to ossify one's skill set.
10. As a writer, it's essential not to let your literary style ossify and to keep evolving your voice.
11. When we ossify our environmental policies, we risk not being able to cope with new challenges.
12. It's not beneficial for our social norms to ossify in the face of a fast-paced, changing world.
13. If you ossify your approach to problem-solving, you may miss out on innovative solutions.
14. The cartilage in the bones gradually ossify as we age.
15. External pressure can cause the tissue to ossify prematurely.
16. Lack of exercise can lead to the muscles beginning to ossify.
17. Certain medical conditions can cause tissues to ossify abnormally.
18. Over time, the soft tissue can ossify and harden.
19. The bones will naturally ossify as part of the aging process.
20. The injury caused the fractured bone to ossify improperly.
21. The doctor observed the X-ray to see how the fracture would ossify.
22. The child's growth plate will eventually ossify as they reach adulthood.
23. The cells in the damaged tissue begin to ossify and form bone.
24. The surgeon carefully monitored how the bone would ossify after the surgery.
25. The development of the embryo causes the cartilage to ossify and become bone.
26. The gradual ossification of the skull provides protection for the brain.
27. The X-ray showed that the bone had started to ossify.
28. The presence of calcium and other minerals help the bone to ossify properly.
29. Age-related factors can affect how quickly bones ossify.
30. The doctor explained the process of how the bone would ossify over time.
31. The bone cells work together to ossify and create a strong skeletal structure.
32. The medical treatment aims to slow down the ossification process in certain conditions.

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