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How to pronounce patron (audio)


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Dictionary definition of patron

A person who supports or sponsors a particular individual, organization, or cause.
"The theater had a special section for its patron members."


Detailed meaning of patron

In the context of the arts, a patron is often someone who provides financial backing to a particular artist or artistic endeavor. Patrons have been a crucial source of support for artists throughout history, from wealthy nobles who commissioned works of art in the Renaissance to modern-day philanthropists who fund museums, galleries, and cultural institutions. However, the term "patron" can also refer to someone who is a regular customer of a particular business or establishment, such as a restaurant or bar. In this sense, a patron is someone who frequents the establishment and provides ongoing support through their patronage.

Example sentences containing patron

1. The loyal patron frequented the local café, enjoying their favorite beverage.
2. The art gallery relied on the support of its patrons to showcase emerging artists.
3. The patron generously donated to the theater, ensuring the production of high-quality performances.
4. The museum curator thanked the patron for their contribution to the preservation of art and culture.
5. The library held a special event to honor its esteemed patrons and acknowledge their support.
6. The restaurant reserved a private table for its VIP patrons.

History and etymology of patron

The noun 'patron' has its etymological roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'patronus,' which originally referred to a legal protector or advocate, often representing the interests of clients or dependents in Roman society. Over time, the term evolved to denote not only a legal protector but also someone who supports or sponsors a particular individual, organization, or cause. In this context, a patron is someone who provides financial or other forms of assistance, often with a sense of beneficence and goodwill. The term 'patron' carries the connotation of someone who champions and supports the endeavors of others, much like the role of a legal patron in ancient Rome. Therefore, the etymology of 'patron' underscores its historical connection to the idea of protection, advocacy, and support, which has evolved into the modern sense of sponsorship and assistance.

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Further usage examples of patron

1. The patron of the charity organization organized a fundraising gala to support their cause.
2. The bookstore offered a discount to its loyal patrons as a token of appreciation.
3. The concert hall dedicated a wall to showcase the names of its esteemed patrons.
4. The opera house attracted renowned singers and performers due to its influential patrons.
5. The local theater company depended on its patrons to sustain its operations and bring productions to life.
6. The museum unveiled a new exhibit, made possible by the generous contributions of its patrons.
7. The art auction drew in wealthy patrons eager to add to their collections.
8. The symphony orchestra dedicated a concert to its loyal patrons, featuring their favorite classical compositions.
9. The sports stadium offered exclusive seating areas for its corporate patrons.
10. The fashion designer showcased their latest collection at a private event for their high-profile patrons.
11. The gallery hosted a cocktail reception for its patrons, providing an opportunity to mingle with the artists.
12. The dance company recognized its long-standing patrons with special recognition in the program.
13. The theater troupe invited its patrons for a backstage tour, offering a behind-the-scenes glimpse into their productions.
14. The cultural center displayed a wall of gratitude, listing the names of its valued patrons who supported its diverse programming.



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