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Dictionary definition of pirouette
To turn or spin around on one foot, typically with the other foot raised and held in a specific position.
"Children often pirouette in joy when they're happy."
Detailed meaning of pirouette
The verb pirouette means This term is often associated with ballet and other forms of dance where it is used as a fundamental movement. In these contexts, pirouettes are often executed by spinning on the ball of one foot with the other foot positioned at the knee or ankle of the standing leg. Pirouettes can be performed in both directions and can vary in speed, number of turns, and style. The term can also be used more broadly to describe any spinning or whirling movement, such as the way a toy top spins on its axis or the way a figure skater spins on the ice. Overall, pirouette is a term used to describe a graceful and agile movement that requires balance, technique, and precision.
Example sentences containing pirouette
1. The ballerina executed a perfect pirouette during her dance performance.
2. He watched in awe as the figure skater executed a flawless pirouette on the ice.
3. The gymnast's routine included a breathtaking pirouette on the balance beam.
4. The young dancer practiced her pirouettes diligently to improve her technique.
5. During the salsa dance, they would pirouette together with grace.
6. The elegant swan seemed to pirouette on the calm lake.
History and etymology of pirouette
The verb 'pirouette' has its etymological roots in French, where it originally meant 'to whirl about' or 'to spin.' It derives from the Old French word 'pirouet,' which is believed to be an onomatopoeic term mimicking the whirling sound or motion. The term gained prominence in the world of ballet, where a pirouette refers to a graceful and intricate turn executed by a dancer on one foot, often with the other foot raised to a specific position. Over time, 'pirouette' has become a widely recognized term in the realm of dance and has been adopted into English to describe this elegant and precise spinning movement. Therefore, the etymology of 'pirouette' reflects its historical association with the art of dance and the graceful act of whirling or spinning, as conveyed by its linguistic heritage.
Further usage examples of pirouette
1. The acrobat's ability to pirouette in mid-air left the audience amazed.
2. In ballet class, they focused on mastering the art of the pirouette.
3. The rhythmic gymnast combined jumps and pirouettes for a dazzling routine.
4. The ice skater's pirouette was a highlight of the show.
5. The skilled figure skater could pirouette effortlessly in both directions.
6. She could pirouette on her toes with incredible balance.
7. The synchronized swimmers created a stunning display with their pirouettes.
8. The waltz required them to pirouette gracefully across the dance floor.
9. The professional dancer's pirouette left a lasting impression.
10. The gymnast's pirouette on the parallel bars was a sight to behold.
11. The choreography called for a swift pirouette followed by a graceful leap.
12. The young skater aspired to perfect her double pirouette.
13. The ballet instructor corrected their posture during pirouettes.
14. The talented ballerina could pirouette effortlessly while en pointe.
15. The dance routine included a series of pirouettes and spins.
16. He couldn't help but smile when he saw her pirouette in the garden.
17. The graceful bird appeared to pirouette in the air before landing.
18. The synchronized dancers pirouetted in perfect harmony.
19. The ballet competition showcased a variety of pirouette styles.
20. The figure skater's pirouette was met with thunderous applause.
21. She could pirouette with such precision that it looked like magic.
22. The gymnast's pirouette on the rings was a testament to his strength.
23. They practiced their pirouettes tirelessly to prepare for the recital.
24. The ballet teacher praised their progress in mastering the pirouette.,,
SAT 6 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Endeavor and Pursuit, Entertainment and Performance
Synonyms for pirouette
Quiz categories containing pirouette
spin, stand, sit, stagnate