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Dictionary definition of psychopath
Someone who lacks empathy and remorse, and who displays impulsive and antisocial behavior.
"The detective had to enter the mind of a psychopath to catch the serial killer."
Detailed meaning of psychopath
Psychopaths may engage in criminal activities, such as fraud, theft, or violence, and often appear charming and manipulative to others. They may lack a moral compass and have little concern for the feelings or well-being of others, and may engage in impulsive or reckless behavior without considering the consequences. Psychopathy is considered a serious mental illness and can be challenging to treat.
Example sentences containing psychopath
1. The detective pursued the psychopath responsible for the gruesome murders.
2. The psychopath's lack of empathy was evident in his cold, calculating demeanor.
3. Understanding the mind of a psychopath is a complex and challenging task.
4. She encountered a charming psychopath who hid his true nature well.
5. The psychopath's manipulative tactics made it difficult to see through his facade.
6. It's crucial to recognize the signs of a psychopath for the safety of others.
History and etymology of psychopath
The noun 'psychopath' has its roots in Greek. It is formed from two Greek words: 'psyche,' meaning 'mind' or 'soul,' and 'pathos,' meaning 'suffering' or 'feeling.' Therefore, etymologically, 'psychopath' can be understood as 'one who suffers from a disorder of the mind or soul.' The term originally had broader connotations, referring to individuals with various mental disorders, but it has become specifically associated with a severe personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy and remorse, as well as impulsive and antisocial behavior. The word's etymology highlights the focus on the mind and emotions, emphasizing the disturbance of normal emotional responses and moral conscience that is characteristic of psychopathic individuals.
Further usage examples of psychopath
1. The psychopath's erratic behavior was a source of concern for his family.
2. A psychopath can often appear charming and charismatic on the surface.
3. The psychopath's criminal activities escalated with each passing year.
4. The psychologist studied the psychopath's brain patterns to understand his actions.
5. The psychopath's lack of remorse for his actions shocked the courtroom.
6. The movie depicted the psychopath as a master of deception and manipulation.
7. The psychopath's callous disregard for human life was horrifying.
8. Society grapples with how to rehabilitate a psychopath who poses a danger.
9. The psychopath's violent outbursts were unpredictable and alarming.
10. The profiler studied the psychopath's childhood to find clues to his behavior.
11. The psychopath's obsession with control drove him to commit heinous acts.
12. The psychopath's mask of normalcy fooled even those closest to him.
13. The psychopath's lack of empathy made it challenging to rehabilitate him.
14. Detecting a psychopath among seemingly ordinary people is a daunting task.
15. The criminal was a known psychopath, with a history of violent behavior.
16. The accused was diagnosed as a psychopath and was deemed to be a danger to society.
17. The movie portrayed the psychopath as a charismatic, but disturbed individual.
18. The psychologist was studying the behavior of psychopaths in prison.
19. The researcher found that psychopaths lack the ability to feel empathy for others.
20. The victims of the psychopath's manipulation were left emotionally scarred.
21. The defense attorney argued that the defendant was not a psychopath but suffered from a mental illness.
22. CEOs are four times more likely to be psychopaths than the average person.
23. The psychopath's charm and intelligence made it difficult for authorities to detect his crimes.
24. The criminal profiler believed that the perpetrator of the murders was a psychopath.
25. The study found that psychopaths have a different brain structure than non-psychopaths.
26. Many of history's most notorious dictators are believed to have been psychopaths.,,,
Behavior and Conduct, Danger and Threat, Hostility and Brutality, Unethical and Immoral
Synonyms for psychopath
Quiz categories containing psychopath
sociopath, empath, compassionate, caring