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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce reluctant (audio)

Dictionary definition of reluctant

Unwillingness or hesitation to act or comply with a particular request, task, or situation.
"The student was reluctant to ask questions in class for fear of appearing foolish."

Detailed meaning of reluctant

It implies a sense of resistance or reluctance to engage or participate, often due to personal or emotional reasons. When someone is described as reluctant, they may display a lack of enthusiasm or a certain degree of aversion towards the action or decision at hand. This hesitation can stem from various factors, such as fear, doubt, or a lack of interest. Individuals who are reluctant may exhibit signs of hesitancy, reticence, or a deliberate delay in taking action. The adjective "reluctant" suggests a certain internal conflict or ambivalence, wherein one may recognize the necessity or importance of the action, but still feels resistant or unenthusiastic about carrying it out.

Example sentences containing reluctant

1. She was reluctant to share her personal experiences with strangers.
2. He was reluctant to accept the promotion due to the increased workload.
3. The cat was reluctant to come out from under the bed after a loud noise.
4. They were reluctant to try the exotic dish, unsure of its taste.
5. The team was reluctant to implement the new software due to concerns about compatibility.
6. She was reluctant to lend her favorite book to a friend, fearing it wouldn't be returned.

History and etymology of reluctant

The adjective 'reluctant' has its origins in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'reluctans,' which is the present participle of 'reluctari.' 'Reluctari' is a combination of 're,' meaning 'back' or 'against,' and 'luctari,' meaning 'to struggle' or 'to resist.' Therefore, 'reluctans' originally meant 'resisting' or 'struggling against.' Over time, as Latin evolved into Middle English, 'reluctans' transformed into 'reluctaunt,' and eventually became the modern English term 'reluctant.' This etymology aptly conveys the sense of unwillingness or hesitation to act or comply with a particular request, task, or situation, reflecting the idea of resisting or struggling against it.

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Further usage examples of reluctant

1. He was reluctant to attend the party, as he didn't enjoy social gatherings.
2. The employee was reluctant to take on additional responsibilities without a pay raise.
3. The child was reluctant to go to bed, insisting on reading one more story.
4. They were reluctant to change their travel plans, having already made all the arrangements.
5. The athlete was reluctant to retire, still yearning for another shot at the championship.
6. She was reluctant to try the spicy food, fearing it would be too hot.
7. He felt reluctant to share his deepest secrets with anyone.
8. Despite his reluctance, he agreed to help with the project.
9. Sarah was reluctant to confront her coworker about the issue.
10. The team was reluctant to accept the challenging mission.
11. Jenny was reluctant to attend the party without her friends.
12. He was reluctant to admit his mistake in front of everyone.
13. Despite his reluctance, he took on the leadership role.
14. She was reluctant to trust him after the betrayal.
15. Tom was reluctant to go on the roller coaster ride.
16. The student's reluctance to ask questions hindered his learning.
17. She was reluctant to move to a new city for her job.
18. He felt reluctant to reveal his true feelings for her.
19. They were reluctant to embrace change in their organization.
20. Sarah's reluctance to apologize strained their friendship.
21. Despite his reluctance, he joined the volunteer program.
22. John was reluctant to lend money to his unreliable friend.
23. She was reluctant to visit the dentist due to her fear.
24. His reluctance to compromise led to a lengthy negotiation.
25. The team's reluctance to innovate held back progress.

Suffix -ant, ACT 14 (American College Testing), Conduct and Character, Obstacles and Hardships


hesitant, eager, willing, enthusiastic



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