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Dictionary definition of seminal

Strongly influencing or containing the seeds of later work or development.
"His seminal speech on civil rights inspired a generation of activists."

Detailed meaning of seminal

It can be used to describe a work, idea, or contribution that is considered to be a turning point or a foundation for future development. For example, a seminal work of literature is one that has had a significant impact on the development of literature as a whole, and a seminal scientific discovery is one that has had a major impact on the field of science.

Example sentences containing seminal

1. His radical ideas were seminal in the establishment of a new political philosophy.
2. His work on artificial intelligence has been seminal in the field of autonomous vehicles.
3. He wrote several seminal papers that laid the theoretical groundwork for the first quantum computers.
4. His seminal work in the field of economics revolutionized the way we think about the subject.
5. The seminal study on the impact of social media on mental health has been widely cited and discussed.
6. The seminal album by the band is considered a classic and has influenced many other artists.

History and etymology of seminal

The adjective 'seminal' has its roots in the Latin word 'semen,' which means 'seed' or 'source.' In Latin, 'semen' was associated with the origin or beginning of something, much like a seed that holds the potential for growth and development. Over time, this concept evolved, and 'seminal' came to describe something that is highly influential and contains the essential elements or ideas that give rise to later developments or works. It signifies the notion of being a source or origin of significant impact and innovation. Therefore, the etymology of 'seminal' underscores its historical connection to the idea of being a seed or source of inspiration that has a profound and lasting influence on future creations or developments.

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Further usage examples of seminal

1. Her seminal research on cancer treatments has led to many important advances in the field.
2. The seminal paper on the theory of evolution was a turning point in the history of science.
3. His research on primes numbers was seminal in the field of cybersecurity.
4. The seminal work of art is considered a masterpiece and has influenced many other artists.
5. The seminal ideas in the book have been widely debated and discussed.
6. The seminal moment in the history of the company was the launch of their first successful product.
7. Her seminal contributions to the field of psychology have been widely recognized.
8. The seminal study on the effects of pollution on marine life has had a major impact on environmental policy.
9. The seminal experiment in the field of physics led to many important discoveries.
10. Einstein's seminal theories reshaped our understanding of physics.
11. The Beatles released a seminal album that changed music history.
12. Her seminal research laid the foundation for future discoveries.
13. The scientist's work on DNA was a seminal moment in biology.
14. The novel had a seminal impact on the literary world.
15. Seminal inventions like the telephone transformed communication.
16. The artist's seminal paintings revolutionized the art scene.
17. Seminal thinkers challenge established norms and beliefs.
18. The Constitution remains a seminal document in American history.
19. Seminal films like "Citizen Kane" pioneered cinematic techniques.
20. The computer's development was a seminal achievement.
21. Seminal philosophers influence modern philosophical thought.
22. The internet's creation marked a seminal advancement in technology.
23. Seminal events shape the course of history.
24. His seminal ideas continue to inspire innovation today.



influential, unoriginal, derivative, inconsequential


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