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Dictionary definition of shibboleth
A word, phrase, or custom that is used to identify members of a particular group or community.
"The pronunciation of the town's name became a shibboleth for locals."
Detailed meaning of shibboleth
In many cases, a shibboleth can be a distinguishing characteristic or trait that sets a group apart from others. Shibboleths can be based on a variety of factors, including language, dialect, accent, religious beliefs, or cultural practices. In some cases, shibboleths can be used to exclude outsiders or to enforce a sense of belonging among members of a group. The term 'shibboleth' is often used figuratively to describe any kind of arbitrary or outdated belief or practice that is upheld solely for the sake of tradition or exclusivity. In this sense, a shibboleth can be seen as a way of maintaining a sense of identity or loyalty within a group, but it can also be seen as a barrier to understanding and acceptance among different communities.
Example sentences containing shibboleth
1. The handshake became a shibboleth, distinguishing the locals from outsiders.
2. In their community, speaking the language fluently was a shibboleth.
3. Wearing a certain emblem was the shibboleth of their secret society.
4. The unique accent served as a shibboleth for the regional identity.
5. To gain their trust, he needed to understand their cultural shibboleths.
6. The traditional dish was considered a shibboleth of their heritage.
History and etymology of shibboleth
The noun 'shibboleth' has an intriguing etymology that can be traced back to a biblical story in the Book of Judges. In this story, the Gileadites used the word 'shibboleth' to identify and distinguish their own people from the Ephraimites, who were attempting to cross the Jordan River secretly. The Ephraimites, being unable to pronounce the 'sh' sound correctly, pronounced it as 'sibboleth,' revealing their true identity and leading to their capture and subsequent execution. Over time, 'shibboleth' came to represent not just a linguistic marker but any word, phrase, or custom used to identify members of a particular group or community. The etymology of 'shibboleth' is rooted in this historical episode, emphasizing its role as a symbolic and identifying marker used to separate insiders from outsiders in a cultural or social context.
Further usage examples of shibboleth
1. The password acted as a shibboleth to access the exclusive club.
2. The vintage car was a shibboleth of his love for classic automobiles.
3. The handshake had become a shibboleth for loyalty among the rebels.
4. The secret code served as a shibboleth to enter the hidden chamber.
5. The phrase had become a shibboleth, identifying true fans of the show.
6. The use of "irregardless" is considered a shibboleth among grammar enthusiasts.
7. The handshake became a shibboleth for members of the secret society.
8. Pronouncing the regional dish correctly was a shibboleth for the food critic.
9. The exclusive club had its own set of shibboleths to identify members.
10. Using the outdated technology was a shibboleth for the company's lack of innovation.
11. The shibboleth of wearing a tie was challenged in the casual workplace.
12. The password was a shibboleth that granted access to the secure server.
13. The dress code served as a shibboleth to distinguish staff from visitors.
14. The accent became a shibboleth that revealed her foreign origins.
15. The secret code was a shibboleth used by the spies to identify one another.
16. The slang term became a shibboleth among the group of friends.
17. The correct way to address the professor was a shibboleth for respect.
18. In the tribe, the initiation ceremony was a shibboleth of adulthood.
19. The book's inclusion in the library was a shibboleth of intellectual freedom.
20. The password to the exclusive party acted as a shibboleth for entry.
21. Knowing the history of the club was a shibboleth for its die-hard fans.
22. The handshake was a shibboleth that signified a truce between the rival gangs.
23. The secret handshake was a shibboleth among the group of childhood friends.
24. The shibboleth of honesty was highly valued in their family.
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SAT 14 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Tradition and Heritage, Culture and Society
Synonyms for shibboleth
Quiz categories containing shibboleth
marker, distinction, uncharacteristic, unrepresentative