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How to pronounce trounce (audio)


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Dictionary definition of trounce

To defeat decisively or to beat someone or something by a wide margin in a competition, contest, or conflict.
"The team is prepared to trounce their long-time rivals in the final."

Detailed meaning of trounce

When you 'trounce' an opponent or rival, it signifies a resounding and often one-sided victory where the opposition is thoroughly outmatched and overwhelmed. This term is commonly used in sports, politics, and other competitive contexts to describe a clear and dominant win. 'Trounce' emphasizes the idea of a significant and convincing triumph, often achieved through superior skill, strength, or strategy, leaving little doubt about the outcome. It conveys the sense of an overwhelming defeat where the losing side is soundly outperformed or outplayed.

Example sentences containing trounce

1. The home team managed to trounce their rivals with a 4-0 victory.
2. In the debate, she used facts and logic to trounce her opponent.
3. The heavyweight boxer was expected to trounce his challenger.
4. The chess grandmaster was known to trounce opponents effortlessly.
5. The underdog's unexpected win allowed them to trounce the favorites.
6. Their innovative product design helped them trounce the competition.

History and etymology of trounce

The verb 'trounce' has uncertain origins, but it likely comes from a combination of various dialects and colloquialisms. It first appeared in English in the early 18th century, and its precise etymology remains a subject of debate among linguists. 'Trounce' means to defeat decisively or to beat someone or something by a wide margin in a competition, contest, or conflict. It carries a sense of overwhelming victory or superiority. Despite its unclear origins, 'trounce' has become a commonly used word to describe a one-sided defeat or victory in various contexts, from sports to everyday disputes. Its exact roots may remain mysterious, but its meaning is clear: a resounding and emphatic win.

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Further usage examples of trounce

1. The team's superior teamwork allowed them to trounce the opposition.
2. The political candidate aimed to trounce the incumbent in the election.
3. The company's superior marketing strategy helped them trounce their rivals.
4. The soccer team trounced their opponents, securing a spot in the finals.
5. With overwhelming support, they hoped to trounce the referendum opposition.
6. They prepare carefully to trounce their opponents in the chess tournament.
7. When we play, I aim to trounce you every single time.
8. If we train hard, we will trounce them at the state championship.
9. She will trounce the competition with her innovative business model.
10. I will trounce all rivals in this poker game.
11. You can trounce your fears by facing them head-on.
12. If you underestimate me, I will trounce you at this debate.
13. We need a solid strategy to trounce our business rivals.
14. She promised to trounce anyone who doubted her abilities.
15. With enough practice, you could trounce even the most skilled players.
16. Let's trounce our past performance in this quarter's sales.
17. They aspire to trounce their previous record in the marathon this year.
18. My objective is to trounce every obstacle that comes my way.
19. His plan is to trounce the incumbents in the upcoming election.
20. Their innovative ideas will surely trounce the outdated models of their competitors.
21. If we work together, we can trounce the challenges ahead.
22. He has the drive to trounce any hurdle in his path.
23. They train relentlessly, aiming to trounce all competitors in the race.
24. He believes that his invention will trounce all existing technology in its field.



thrash, lose, succumb, fail


Ambition and Drive, Competition and Rivalry, Crisis and Opposition, Damage and Destruction, Fear and Ferocity, Dominance and Supremacy, Persistence and Perseverance, Tactical Maneuvers and Control, Conflict and Conquest

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