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How to pronounce wail (audio)

Dictionary definition of wail

To produce a loud, high-pitched, and mournful sound, typically associated with expressing grief, pain, or intense sadness.
"The baby started to wail loudly when her toy was taken away."

Detailed meaning of wail

It conveys a sense of deep emotional anguish or despair, often characterized by prolonged cries or howls. When someone wails, they release their sorrow or distress through vocalizations that are marked by a piercing and lamenting tone. The sound of a wail can evoke a strong and visceral response, as it is often associated with moments of great loss or suffering. This verb captures the raw and intense expression of sorrow, revealing the depths of human emotion and the need to vocalize and release pent-up feelings of anguish or heartache.

Example sentences containing wail

1. Dark skies loom as mothers wail, their tears mixing with the falling rain.
2. In the quiet night, ghosts wail, haunting the old, forsaken mansion.
3. Amidst war's chaos, soldiers and civilians alike wail in unison.
4. The violin seems to wail, echoing the sadness within the musician's soul.
5. As thunder roars, the wind seems to wail, mourning nature's turmoil.
6. Alone in her room, she'd wail, a soul echoing with unutterable grief.

History and etymology of wail

The verb 'wail' has its etymological roots in Old English. It is derived from the Old English word 'wǣlan,' which means 'to lament' or 'to bewail.' In Old English, 'wǣlan' was used to describe the act of producing a loud, high-pitched, and mournful sound, particularly in the context of expressing grief, pain, or intense sadness. Over time, this term evolved into 'wail' in Middle English, and it continues to describe the act of emitting mournful and plaintive cries, often associated with expressions of deep sorrow or anguish. The etymology of 'wail' underscores its historical association with lamentation and the vocal expression of profound emotional distress, making it a powerful word to convey the depth of one's sorrow or suffering.

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Further usage examples of wail

1. The wolves wail at the moon, their cries echoing through the forest.
2. Amidst the ruins, survivors wail, their voices painting a tale of woe.
3. Children wail in the distance, their cries a symphony of haunting melodies.
4. As the ship sank, the sea seemed to wail, mourning the lives lost.
5. In the eerie silence, the spirits of the forgotten wail, seeking solace.
6. The mourners began to wail in grief at the funeral.
7. The siren started to wail as the fire trucks rushed by.
8. The child would wail whenever her mother left the room.
9. The wind howled, causing the trees to wail in the night.
10. The singer's powerful voice made the audience wail in excitement.
11. The dog would wail whenever it heard a fire truck's siren.
12. The toddler would wail when her favorite show ended.
13. The ambulance's sirens wailed as it raced through the city streets.
14. The violinist made the instrument wail with her emotional performance.
15. The storm raged outside, making the windows wail with the wind.
16. The ghostly figure would wail in the haunted house, scaring visitors.
17. The woman's heartbreak was so intense, she would wail in sorrow.
18. The strong gusts of wind caused the old shutters to wail against the house.
19. The banshee's haunting wail chilled the blood of those who heard it.
20. The singer's voice echoed through the auditorium, making the audience wail with joy.
21. The injured animal would wail in pain until it received proper medical attention.
22. The little boy would wail when his ice cream fell to the ground.
23. The windstorm caused the telephone wires to wail in the night.
24. The siren continued to wail as the police cars sped down the highway.

SAT 19 (Scholastic Assessment Test), High School 6, Expressions Of Emotion


howl, laugh, giggle, chuckle



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