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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce wince (audio)

Dictionary definition of wince

The instinctive or involuntary reaction of flinching or drawing back slightly in response to pain, discomfort, surprise, or fear.
"The bright sunlight made her wince and shield her eyes."

Detailed meaning of wince

It involves a quick and reflexive movement of the body, often accompanied by a facial expression that conveys a brief expression of pain or discomfort. When someone winces, they may involuntarily close their eyes, grimace, or tense their muscles momentarily. Wincing is typically a protective response to a sudden or anticipated unpleasant sensation, such as a sharp pain, sudden noise, or unexpected touch. It can also occur in response to emotional distress or when witnessing something distressing. Overall, 'wince' captures the idea of a brief, involuntary movement or reaction in response to a physical or emotional stimulus that elicits pain, discomfort, or surprise.

Example sentences containing wince

1. The sudden loud noise made him wince in surprise.
2. She couldn't help but wince as she stubbed her toe against the table.
3. The intense pain caused him to wince and clutch his side.
4. The piercing sound of the alarm made everyone in the room wince.
5. The bitter taste of the medicine made him wince involuntarily.
6. He couldn't hide his disappointment, causing her to wince at his reaction.

History and etymology of wince

The verb 'wince' finds its origins in Middle English, where it was spelled as 'winssen' or 'wynsen.' Its etymology can be traced back to the Old English word 'wencan,' meaning to give way or yield. Over time, 'wince' evolved to describe the instinctive or involuntary reaction of flinching or drawing back slightly in response to pain, discomfort, surprise, or fear. This word encapsulates the physical and often involuntary recoil that occurs when one experiences something unpleasant or startling, highlighting the natural human tendency to momentarily retreat from perceived threats or sources of discomfort.

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Further usage examples of wince

1. The cold wind made her wince as it cut through her clothing.
2. The cruel words made her wince with emotional pain.
3. The sudden movement of the car made him wince and grip the handle tightly.
4. The slap across the face made him wince in pain and surprise.
5. The memory of his past failure still made him wince with regret.
6. The sharp edge of the paper made her wince as she ran her finger along it.
7. The foul smell coming from the garbage bin made her wince and cover her nose.
8. The sight of blood made him wince and turn away.
9. The thoughtless comment made her wince with embarrassment.
10. The strong smell of ammonia made her wince and step back.
11. The high-pitched screech of the brakes made everyone wince in discomfort.
12. The slapstick comedy made the audience wince with secondhand embarrassment.
13. The bitter taste of the spoiled milk made him wince and spit it out immediately.
14. Sharp words slice the air; listeners wince, the pain etched on their faces.
15. Amidst the loud bang, both children and adults alike wince in fear.
16. In the dentist’s chair, patients often wince, anticipating impending discomfort.
17. Bright lights flash; eyes wince, seeking refuge in the comforting darkness.
18. With every harsh word spoken, hearts wince, burdened by unkindness.
19. As nails scrape the chalkboard, students wince, haunted by the sound.
20. Cold winds bite; even the bravest souls wince against nature’s wrath.
21. Piercing sirens fill the night; those awake wince at the intrusive sound.
22. Under the scorching sun, desert travelers wince, yearning for shade.
23. In the piercing cold, even the mighty wince, humbled by nature.
24. Lightning strikes; in the silence, watchers wince, awed and afraid.

SAT 5 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Middle School 3, Sensory and Perception


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