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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce ambuscade (audio)

Dictionary definition of ambuscade

A military tactic involving a surprise attack or ambush, where individuals or a group of armed forces conceal themselves to surprise and engage an enemy force.
"The soldiers set up an ambuscade in the dense forest, ready to strike at the enemy."

Detailed meaning of ambuscade

It signifies a strategic maneuver aimed at gaining an advantage by catching the opposing party off guard. Second, 'ambuscade' can also denote a hidden or concealed position used by attackers in an ambush. It describes the specific location or site where the ambush is set up, usually characterized by its secrecy and potential to provide cover and advantage to the ambushing party. Lastly, 'ambuscade' can metaphorically represent a hidden trap or danger in a non-military context. In this sense, it portrays a situation where an unsuspecting individual or group falls into an unforeseen or concealed predicament, often resulting in negative consequences. Overall, 'ambuscade' encompasses the notions of surprise attack, hidden position, and unforeseen danger.

Example sentences containing ambuscade

1. The soldiers set up an ambuscade to intercept the enemy.
2. The guerrillas executed a well-planned ambuscade.
3. The ambuscade caught the enemy by surprise.
4. Survivors described the fierce battle after the ambuscade.
5. The ambuscade strategy proved effective in battle.
6. The troops concealed themselves for the impending ambuscade.

History and etymology of ambuscade

The noun 'ambuscade' has a fascinating etymology rooted in military tactics. It comes from the Middle French word 'embuscade,' which was derived from the Italian 'imboscata.' In turn, 'imboscata' can be traced back to 'imboscare,' a combination of 'in' (meaning 'in') and 'bosco' (meaning 'wood' or 'forest'). This etymological journey highlights the historical context in which ambushes were often carried out, where individuals or armed forces would conceal themselves in wooded or hidden areas to surprise and engage an enemy force. Therefore, 'ambuscade' encapsulates the idea of a surprise attack or ambush, where the element of concealment plays a crucial role in the tactics, and its etymology traces back to the concept of hiding in the forest or other hidden locations.

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Further usage examples of ambuscade

1. The general devised a cunning plan for the ambuscade.
2. The enemy fell right into the ambuscade's trap.
3. The success of the ambuscade depended on secrecy.
4. The ambush was a classic example of an ambuscade.
5. The ambuscade inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy.
6. The commander ordered the soldiers to prepare for ambuscade.
7. The scouts scouted the area for signs of an ambuscade.
8. The attackers laid low, waiting for the perfect ambuscade.
9. Survivors recounted the horrors of the unexpected ambuscade.
10. The ambuscade led to a quick victory for the defenders.
11. The soldiers executed the ambuscade with precision.
12. The enemy's retreat was blocked by an ambuscade.
13. The troops were well-trained in the art of ambuscade.
14. An experienced leader can turn an ambuscade into a triumph.
15. The guerrilla fighters launched an ambuscade on the enemy convoy, causing chaos and confusion.
16. The hikers stumbled into an ambuscade laid by the wild animals, trapping them in a precarious situation.
17. The detectives suspected an ambuscade when they found hidden cameras in the room.
18. The police officer narrowly escaped an ambuscade set up by the criminals in the dark alley.
19. The ambush turned into a deadly ambuscade as the enemy forces unleashed a barrage of gunfire.
20. The intelligence report warned of a possible ambuscade by rebel forces in the mountainous region.
21. The explorers were cautious as they entered the dense jungle, wary of falling victim to an ambuscade.
22. The spy successfully infiltrated the enemy camp and discovered their plans for an upcoming ambuscade.
23. The settlers built watchtowers to keep an eye out for any ambuscades from the hostile tribes.
24. The hunter patiently waited in the tall grass, preparing for the perfect ambuscade on the unsuspecting prey.
25. The cautionary tale served as a reminder to always be vigilant and aware of potential ambuscades in unfamiliar territories.

SAT 2 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Strategic Planning and Execution, Conflict and Conquest


ambush, confrontation, direct attack, face-off



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