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How to pronounce irksome (audio)

Dictionary definition of irksome

Annoying, tedious, or bothersome in nature, causing irritation or frustration.
"The irksome sound of the alarm clock woke him up from his sleep."

Detailed meaning of irksome

It implies something that is likely to cause irritation, annoyance or weariness, it suggests that something is persistently troublesome or vexatious.

It can be used to describe a task, a situation, a person or a behavior that is found to be annoying, tedious or bothersome, and that can cause a feeling of impatience or annoyance. For example, an irksome co-worker who is always complaining, or an irksome task that takes a long time to complete.

The word irksome suggests that the person or thing is causing frustration, and that the feeling will not go away easily. Irksome things can cause stress and can affect one's mood and overall well-being if they are not addressed or dealt with.

Example sentences containing irksome

1. The irksome traffic made me late for my meeting.
2. She found her neighbor's loud music extremely irksome.
3. The summer heat became irksome, making everyone uncomfortable.
4. His constant criticism was irksome to everyone in the office.
5. It was irksome to clean up after the party was over.
6. The monotonous drone of the airplane engine was irksome.

History and etymology of irksome

The adjective 'irksome' has an etymology that reflects its meaning quite vividly. It is formed from the Old English word 'wyrcsama,' where 'wyrc' meant 'work' or 'action,' and 'sama' meant 'same' or 'like.' Therefore, 'irksome' etymologically conveys the idea of something 'like work' or 'similar to labor.' Over time, the term evolved to describe things or situations that are annoying, tedious, or bothersome in nature, often causing irritation or frustration due to the effort or discomfort they entail. The etymology of 'irksome' underscores its connection to the feeling of weariness or annoyance associated with tasks or situations that resemble labor in their difficulty or annoyance.

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Further usage examples of irksome

1. Her irksome habit of interrupting people was not well received at the dinner.
2. Dealing with the irksome regulations became a part of his everyday routine.
3. He found it irksome to constantly repeat his instructions.
4. The irksome sound of the construction work next door interrupted her sleep.
5. His irksome comments on her appearance made her avoid him.
6. The irksome process of filling out forms kept her waiting for hours.
7. It was irksome to see him dismiss her ideas without consideration.
8. Her cat's irksome behavior at night kept her awake.
9. His irksome insistence on perfection delayed the project.
10. Her cellphone's constant notifications were becoming irksome.
11. The irksome wait for the delayed flight frustrated all the passengers.
12. His irksome need for attention was obvious to everyone.
13. The children's constant bickering was irksome to their mother.
14. It was irksome to deal with the inefficient customer service.



annoying, pleasant, enjoyable, delightful


Prefix ir-, ACT 2 (American College Testing), Middle School 3, Problematic and Annoying

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