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How to pronounce abashed (audio)

Dictionary definition of abashed

Embarrassment, self-consciousness, or shame.
"He looked abashed as he realized he had misunderstood the instructions."

Detailed meaning of abashed

When someone is abashed, they experience a sense of unease, awkwardness, or humiliation due to a particular event, action, or circumstance. This state of being is often a result of feeling exposed, caught off guard, or vulnerable. Abashed individuals may display signs of blushing, avoiding eye contact, or a loss of confidence. The adjective "abashed" suggests a temporary state of discomfort and may imply a diminished sense of self-assurance or composure. It represents a reaction to external factors that undermine one's self-esteem or create a feeling of awkwardness and uneasiness within oneself.

Example sentences containing abashed

1. She felt abashed when her mistake was pointed out.
2. He looked abashed after his awkward comment.
3. They were abashed by the unexpected attention.
4. The student was abashed by the low test score.
5. She wore a shy, abashed smile at the party.
6. He felt abashed when he forgot his lines on stage.

History and etymology of abashed

The adjective 'abashed' is closely related to the verb 'abash.' It stems from the same etymological roots, tracing its origins back to the Old French word 'esbair,' meaning 'to gape' or 'to be open-mouthed in astonishment.' This sense of being taken by surprise or caught off guard later evolved into a broader meaning associated with causing someone to feel embarrassed, self-conscious, or ashamed. In Middle English, 'esbair' transformed into 'abashen,' and the adjective form 'abashed' emerged to describe someone who is experiencing the emotions of embarrassment or shame, often as a result of unexpected or disconcerting circumstances. Thus, the etymology of 'abashed' reflects its historical connection to the feelings of self-consciousness and discomfort, emphasizing the notion of being taken aback or surprised in a way that leads to a loss of composure.

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Further usage examples of abashed

1. His abashed demeanor showed he regretted his actions.
2. She turned abashed when caught singing in the shower.
3. The apology left her feeling somewhat abashed.
4. He became abashed in front of the large audience.
5. The compliment made her blush and feel abashed.
6. They left the meeting abashed by their lack of preparation.
7. His abashed expression revealed his guilt.
8. She appeared abashed when praised for her work.
9. He was abashed by the unexpected compliment.
10. The criticism left him feeling abashed and insecure.
11. She became abashed when her secret was revealed.
12. His abashed laughter lightened the tense atmosphere.
13. The unexpected honor left her pleasantly abashed.
14. They both felt abashed after the public argument.
15. She stood in front of the crowd, abashed by the attention.
16. His abashed expression revealed his embarrassment at being caught.
17. The student's abashed demeanor indicated that he had forgotten his lines during the performance.
18. She felt abashed when her mistake was pointed out in front of her colleagues.
19. The abashed child apologized for breaking the vase.
20. The employee wore an abashed smile after realizing the error in his report.
21. She felt abashed by her lack of knowledge on the subject during the discussion.
22. His abashed silence spoke volumes about his guilt.
23. The abashed puppy cowered in the corner after chewing on the furniture.
24. The abashed teenager blushed when asked about his crush.
25. Despite her abashed state, she mustered the courage to admit her mistake and apologize.

Annoyance and Irritation, Discomfort and Distress, Embarrassment and Discomfort


embarrassed, confident, unashamed, proud



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