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Dictionary definition of denude

To strip something of its covering, surface, or contents, leaving it bare or exposed.
"The caterpillars will denude the plants in the garden if left unchecked."

Detailed meaning of denude

This term can be used in a variety of contexts, from describing the removal of trees or vegetation from a landscape, to the stripping of a building or surface of its outer layers. 'Denude' can also be used in a more figurative sense, such as when someone is stripped of their power or resources, leaving them vulnerable or exposed. Overall, 'denude' implies a deliberate and sometimes forceful removal of something that was previously present, resulting in a significant change to the appearance or nature of the object or environment in question.

Example sentences of denude

1. The logging company will denude the forest if no one stops them.
2. The strong winds might denude the trees of their leaves.
3. Erosion can denude hillsides, leaving them barren and rocky.
4. The landscapers plan to denude the area before starting the new project.
5. The developer wants to denude the land to make way for a shopping center.
6. Overgrazing by livestock can denude the grasslands over time.

History and etymology of denude

The verb 'denude' has its origins in Latin, particularly from the word 'denudare,' which means 'to strip off' or 'to make bare.' It is formed by combining 'de,' meaning 'completely' or 'thoroughly,' and 'nudare,' meaning 'to make naked' or 'to expose.' In its original Latin usage, 'denudare' referred to the act of removing clothing or stripping away outer coverings. As the word transitioned into English, it retained its fundamental meaning but broadened to describe the action of stripping something of its covering, surface, or contents, leaving it bare or exposed. The etymology of 'denude' underscores the notion of thorough exposure or the removal of anything that conceals or covers, emphasizing the process of rendering something completely naked or bare.

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Further usage examples of denude

1. The acid rain threatens to denude the trees in the forest.
2. The hailstorm was so severe that it began to denude the crops.
3. Mining activities will denude the landscape of vegetation and natural features.
4. The municipality intends to denude the riverbanks to manage flooding better.
5. The farmer will denude the orchard of its old trees to plant new ones.
6. Overfishing can denude the ocean of its marine life, causing ecological imbalance.
7. The demolition crew will denude the building of its exterior before tearing it down.
8. The workers will denude the walls of paint before applying a new coat.
9. Unregulated tourism can denude natural parks of their flora and fauna.
10. The community is protesting the plan to denude the local park of its trees.
11. If we continue to denude the rainforests, we will face severe climate consequences.
12. The restoration team will denude the historical building of its modern additions.
13. The relentless storm threatens to denude the coastal area of its sand dunes.
14. The mining operation denuded the mountain of its minerals.


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