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Dictionary definition of dissertation

A long, formal written document that presents the author's research and findings on a particular subject.
"The professor was impressed by the originality and depth of her dissertation."

Detailed meaning of dissertation

It is typically required for students pursuing a doctoral degree, such as a Ph.D. or D.Phil. In some countries, dissertation is also used for a research study required for a master's degree. The dissertation is a significant piece of independent research that demonstrates a student's ability to conduct original research and make new contributions to their field of study. The process of writing a dissertation involves selecting a topic, conducting extensive research, analyzing data, and presenting the results in a clear and organized manner. The dissertation is usually written under the guidance of a faculty advisor or committee and is typically defended in an oral examination before a panel of experts in the field. The dissertation is considered as a culmination of a student's academic journey, as it represents the student's ability to contribute new knowledge and ideas to the field they have chosen to study.

Example sentences containing dissertation

1. She spent countless hours working on her dissertation before finally submitting it.
2. His dissertation explored the effects of social media on mental health.
3. The committee reviewed her dissertation and gave constructive feedback.
4. After years of research, he was awarded a PhD for his groundbreaking dissertation.
5. She had to defend her dissertation in front of a panel of experts.
6. The library has an archive of dissertations written by former students.

History and etymology of dissertation

The noun 'dissertation' has its etymological roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'dissertare,' which means 'to discuss' or 'to debate.' In ancient Rome, 'dissertare' was used in the context of discussing various topics or engaging in debate. Over time, as Latin evolved, it took on a more specific meaning related to scholarly discussions and formal debates. When the term was adopted into English, 'dissertation' came to represent a long, formal written document that presents the author's extensive research and findings on a particular subject. This academic context emphasizes the thorough and comprehensive nature of the work, reflecting its origins in scholarly discourse and debate. Therefore, the etymology of 'dissertation' underscores its use as a noun to denote a substantial and in-depth written work in the realm of academia.

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Further usage examples of dissertation

1. His dissertation was published as a book, and it received critical acclaim.
2. She consulted several sources to gather data for her dissertation.
3. She is seeking a grant to support the research for her dissertation.
4. The deadline for submitting the final draft of his dissertation is approaching fast.
5. She decided to focus her dissertation on the role of women in the American Revolution.
6. After completing his dissertation, he felt a sense of accomplishment and relief.
7. She cited numerous references in her dissertation to support her arguments.
8. He used primary sources for his dissertation research.
9. She spent years researching her dissertation on environmental conservation.
10. His dissertation on astrophysics earned him a prestigious award.
11. The doctoral candidate defended her dissertation with confidence.
12. Writing a dissertation is a significant milestone in academic life.
13. His dissertation explored the cultural impact of technology.
14. The professor supervised numerous dissertation projects.
15. The library has a vast collection of dissertations on various topics.
16. The dissertation committee praised her original research.
17. The dissertation deadline loomed, causing stress for many students.
18. His dissertation provided valuable insights into urban planning.
19. She successfully defended her dissertation before a panel of experts.
20. The dissertation defense required extensive preparation.
21. The student's dissertation topic focused on marine biology.
22. Her dissertation proposal was approved by the faculty.
23. The dissertation required in-depth analysis and critical thinking.
24. The doctoral program includes writing a comprehensive dissertation.
25. The dissertation advisor provided guidance throughout the research process.
26. Completing a dissertation is a major accomplishment for scholars.
27. The dissertation submission marked the end of his academic journey.
28. The university recognized her outstanding dissertation with an award.

Scientific and Methodical, Problems and Conundrums, Nuance and Precision, Commitment and Responsibility, Continuation and Perseverance, Demanding and Challenging, Diligence and Thoroughness, Clarify and Elucidate, Endeavor and Pursuit, Education and Mastery



thesis, summary, note, brief


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