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How to pronounce macho (audio)

Dictionary definition of macho

Associated with exaggerated masculinity or traditional male stereotypes.
"He walked into the room with a macho swagger, exuding confidence."

Detailed meaning of macho

It describes a person or their actions that display a strong or dominant demeanor, physical strength, and an emphasis on toughness and assertiveness. Macho attitudes often emphasize aggression, competitiveness, and a reluctance to show vulnerability or emotions. The term can also imply a disregard for traditionally feminine traits or activities, promoting a binary view of gender roles. While some individuals may embrace the macho image as a symbol of strength and confidence, others criticize it for perpetuating harmful stereotypes and limiting the expression of diverse gender identities. It is important to recognize that masculinity can be expressed in various ways and that the concept of macho should not be conflated with a singular definition of manhood or masculinity.

Example sentences containing macho

1. The macho athlete flexed his muscles after completing a challenging workout.
2. The movie portrayed the protagonist as a macho hero, saving the day with his strength and bravery.
3. Some men feel pressured to conform to macho stereotypes in order to fit societal expectations.
4. He adopted a macho attitude, believing that showing vulnerability was a sign of weakness.
5. The macho culture in the workplace discouraged open discussions about emotions and mental health.
6. His macho behavior often alienated those who preferred a more compassionate and empathetic approach.

History and etymology of macho

The adjective 'macho' has an etymology rooted in Spanish. It is derived from the Spanish word 'macho,' which originally meant 'male' or 'man.' The term 'macho' has its origins in Latin, where 'matius' referred to a male animal. Over time, in both Spanish and English, 'macho' evolved to encompass not just the biological concept of maleness but also cultural and social aspects associated with exaggerated masculinity or traditional male stereotypes. In this context, 'macho' often denotes qualities such as toughness, dominance, and bravado. The etymology of 'macho' reflects its historical connection to the portrayal and perception of masculinity, particularly in societies where traditional gender roles have emphasized certain attributes and behaviors as emblematic of being a man.

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Further usage examples of macho

1. The macho image portrayed in advertisements reinforced narrow gender roles and expectations.
2. She found his macho posturing unattractive and preferred a partner who embraced vulnerability.
3. The macho society often stigmatizes men who engage in traditionally feminine activities or interests.
4. The macho mentality can contribute to toxic masculinity and perpetuate harmful gender norms.
5. He felt compelled to conform to the macho ideal, suppressing his true emotions and denying himself the freedom to be authentic.
6. His macho attitude made it difficult for him to express vulnerability.
7. The action hero in the movie embodied the stereotypical macho image.
8. The gym enthusiast had a macho physique that turned heads.
9. Some people find confidence attractive, but his macho bravado was off-putting.
10. The macho culture in the workplace discouraged emotional expression.
11. His macho posturing was a mask for deep insecurity.
12. The character's macho behavior was a central theme in the story.
13. He felt pressured to conform to macho expectations of masculinity.
14. The gang's macho leader commanded unwavering loyalty.
15. The advertisement perpetuated the idea that a macho image sells products.
16. The film challenged traditional macho stereotypes with its sensitive male characters.
17. He struggled to break free from the macho norms of his upbringing.
18. His macho demeanor concealed a compassionate heart.
19. The macho competitiveness in the group created tension.
20. Some men feel the need to conform to macho ideals to fit in.
21. The macho culture fostered an unhealthy attitude toward relationships.
22. The comedian used humor to critique macho behaviors.
23. The macho image of the cowboy is deeply ingrained in American culture.
24. His macho bravado melted away when he became a father.
25. The company aimed to promote gender equality by challenging macho norms.

ACT 2 (American College Testing), High School 18, GRE 15 (Graduate Record Examination)



masculine, effeminate, weak, meek


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