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Dictionary definition of pandemic
A widespread outbreak of a disease that affects a large population across a large geographical area.
"The epidemiologist studied the spread of the pandemic."
Detailed meaning of pandemic
The term is often used to refer to a new infectious disease that has spread across countries or continents and is causing widespread illness and death. A pandemic is different from an epidemic, which refers to a localized outbreak of a disease within a specific community or region. The World Health Organization (WHO) declares a pandemic when a new disease for which people do not have immunity, spreads globally. The most recent example of a pandemic is the COVID-19 outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus which began in 2019, and has affected people across the world, causing widespread illness, death and severe disruptions in daily life. Pandemics have significant impacts on public health, economies, and societies, and it requires coordinated and swift global response to contain and control the spread of the disease.
Example sentences containing pandemic
1. The pandemic caused widespread illness and death.
2. She was a nurse on the frontlines of the pandemic.
3. He was a scientist researching a cure for the pandemic.
4. She was a victim of the pandemic and lost several family members.
5. He was a healthcare worker and worked tirelessly during the pandemic.
6. She was an essential worker and kept the supply chain running during the pandemic.
History and etymology of pandemic
The noun 'pandemic' has its origins in Greek. It combines 'pan,' which means 'all,' and 'demos,' which means 'people' or 'population.' Therefore, 'pandemic' literally translates to 'affecting all people.' It is used to describe a widespread outbreak of a disease that affects a large population across a significant geographical area, often spanning multiple countries or continents. The term 'pandemic' reflects the scope and scale of such outbreaks, emphasizing their global impact and the broad reach of the disease, which can affect people from various regions and backgrounds. Its etymology underscores the all-encompassing nature of pandemics, where the health of populations across the world is at risk.
Further usage examples of pandemic
1. She was a volunteer and helped distribute aid during the pandemic.
2. He was a journalist and reported on the pandemic and its impact.
3. She was a government official and helped coordinate the response to the pandemic.
4. He was a business owner and struggled to keep his business afloat during the pandemic.
5. She was a teacher and adapted to teaching remotely during the pandemic.
6. The pandemic swept through continents, causing widespread fear.
7. Vaccination campaigns aimed to curb the relentless pandemic.
8. The pandemic strained healthcare systems worldwide.
9. Social distancing became a norm during the global pandemic.
10. Face masks were essential tools in fighting the pandemic.
11. The economic impact of the pandemic was devastating.
12. The pandemic forced businesses to adapt to remote work.
13. Hospitals faced a shortage of beds during the pandemic.
14. Government responses varied in managing the pandemic.
15. The pandemic's toll on mental health was significant.
16. Travel restrictions aimed to contain the pandemic's spread.
17. Scientists raced to develop vaccines against the pandemic.
18. The pandemic underscored the importance of hygiene.
19. The pandemic disrupted education for millions of students.
20. Communities came together to support one another during the pandemic.
21. Remote learning became the new normal amid the pandemic.
22. The pandemic highlighted the need for global cooperation.
23. The media played a vital role in disseminating pandemic information.
24. The long-term effects of the pandemic remain uncertain.
25. Lessons learned from the pandemic will shape the future.,,,
Turmoil and Treachery, Danger and Threat, Medical Conditions and Treatments, Health and Hygiene
Synonyms for pandemic
Quiz categories containing pandemic
epidemic, localized, limited, contained