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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce pullulate (audio)

Dictionary definition of pullulate

To multiply or proliferate rapidly and abundantly, often referring to the growth or spread of living organisms, ideas, or objects.
"The night sky began to pullulate with stars as dusk settled."

Detailed meaning of pullulate

When something 'pullulates,' it suggests an exponential increase in numbers or occurrences, often in a way that appears uncontrolled or overwhelming. This term conveys the idea of a population or phenomenon rapidly expanding, frequently in a manner that may lead to concerns or challenges related to managing or controlling the proliferation. 'Pullulate' is a more specialized and less commonly used term, often found in scientific or academic contexts when discussing the rapid growth of organisms or ideas. It emphasizes the idea of vigorous and unchecked multiplication or growth.

Example sentences containing pullulate

1. The street markets of the city pullulate with potential customers on weekends.
2. Come spring, the meadows pullulate with wildflowers.
3. You can watch the garden pullulate with life after a heavy rain.
4. The fall harvest season sees the apple orchards pullulate with ripe fruit.
5. After the rain, the forest paths pullulate with mushrooms and fungi of all kinds.
6. The beaches pullulate with tourists during the summer season.

History and etymology of pullulate

The verb 'pullulate' has its etymological origins in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'pullulare,' which means 'to bud' or 'to sprout.' In Latin, 'pullulare' was used to describe the process of new growth, particularly the budding or sprouting of plants. Over time, in English, 'pullulate' came to describe the act of multiplying or proliferating rapidly and abundantly, often referring to the growth or spread of living organisms, ideas, or objects. It conveys the sense of something bursting forth and multiplying vigorously, much like the new shoots and buds of plants. 'Pullulate' reflects its Latin origins in the idea of rapid and prolific growth, and it is used to describe a wide range of phenomena, from the spread of ideas to the proliferation of populations.

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Further usage examples of pullulate

1. The farmer's markets pullulate with fresh produce during the early morning hours.
2. After hibernation, the bear cubs' playground seems to pullulate with new energy and excitement.
3. The fields pullulate with grains as the season of harvest approaches.
4. As spring sets in, the valley starts to pullulate with blooms of myriad colors.
5. In springtime, the hive begins to pullulate with worker bees.
6. On Sundays, the local park tends to pullulate with families and joggers.
7. On New Year's Eve, the city square will pullulate with excited celebrators.
8. The local art fair always seems to pullulate with creative energy and innovative ideas.
9. The farm starts to pullulate with livestock after a successful breeding season.
10. On opening night, the theater will pullulate with eager audience members.
11. The undergrowth begins to pullulate with insects in the summer.
12. The rock pool begins to pullulate with sea life when the tide comes in.
13. The birdhouse starts to pullulate with chicks every spring.
14. Insects pullulate during the rainy season, swarming in vast numbers.
15. Ideas can pullulate in a creative environment, sparking innovation.
16. Microorganisms can pullulate in unsanitary conditions.
17. Urban areas often see businesses pullulate as populations grow.
18. Social media has enabled news to pullulate at a rapid pace.
19. Cultures can pullulate with diverse traditions and customs.
20. Viruses can pullulate if vaccination rates decline.
21. Creativity can pullulate in collaborative workspaces.
22. Invasive species can pullulate and threaten native ecosystems.
23. Online communities pullulate around shared interests.
24. Popularity can cause rumors to pullulate quickly.

Advancement and Improvement, Development and Growth, Growth and Development


burgeon, wane, decrease, dwindle



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