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How to pronounce quarrel (audio)

Dictionary definition of quarrel

A heated or contentious argument or disagreement between two or more individuals.
"The coworkers engaged in a heated quarrel over the division of workload."

Detailed meaning of quarrel

It typically involves a verbal exchange marked by intense emotions, differing opinions, or conflicting interests. A quarrel is characterized by a high level of tension, often accompanied by raised voices, passionate expressions, and confrontational behavior. It can arise from a variety of reasons, such as conflicting beliefs, personal grievances, misunderstandings, or competition. Quarrels can occur in personal relationships, families, workplaces, or even on a larger scale between nations or groups. The resolution of a quarrel often requires effective communication, compromise, and a willingness to find common ground. However, if not managed properly, a quarrel can escalate into a more severe conflict, damaging relationships and creating long-lasting rifts.

Example sentences of quarrel

1. The quarrel between the two siblings escalated into a shouting match.
2. They had a bitter quarrel over who should take responsibility for the mistake.
3. The couple's quarrel lasted late into the night, causing a strain in their relationship.
4. The quarrel between the neighbors started over a trivial disagreement about noise.
5. The siblings made up after their quarrel and apologized to each other.
6. The political leaders held a meeting to resolve their ongoing quarrel.

History and etymology of quarrel

The noun 'quarrel' has its origins in Middle English, where it was spelled as 'querele.' This Middle English term was influenced by the Old French word 'querele,' which, in turn, can be traced back to the Latin word 'querela.' In Latin, 'querela' referred to a complaint or lamentation. This etymology underscores the nature of a quarrel as a heated or contentious argument or disagreement between two or more individuals, often characterized by complaints and grievances. The evolution of the word 'quarrel' highlights the human tendency to engage in disputes and disagreements throughout history, reflecting the enduring and universal aspect of interpersonal conflicts and their expression through language.

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Further usage examples of quarrel

1. The quarrel between the students disrupted the class and required intervention from the teacher.
2. The long-standing quarrel between the rival gangs led to violence in the neighborhood.
3. The quarrel between the business partners resulted in the dissolution of their partnership.
4. The quarrel between the customers at the restaurant attracted the attention of the staff.
5. The quarrel between the players on the field led to a red card being shown by the referee.
6. Their quarrel over money strained their friendship.
7. A family quarrel disrupted the holiday gathering.
8. They had a bitter quarrel about their future plans.
9. The heated quarrel ended in hurtful words.
10. The neighbors' constant quarrels were a nuisance.
11. The siblings often engaged in petty quarrels.
12. A small misunderstanding escalated into a major quarrel.
13. The quarrel between the coworkers affected office morale.
14. Their quarrel over politics became increasingly intense.
15. A loud quarrel erupted in the crowded restaurant.
16. The quarrel between nations threatened peace in the region.
17. The resolution of their quarrel required mediation.
18. The couples' quarrel was a recurring issue.
19. The quarrel between teammates disrupted their performance.
20. The quarrel over property rights led to a legal battle.
21. A misunderstanding fueled the quarrel between friends.
22. They avoided each other after their bitter quarrel.
23. The quarrel was resolved through open communication.
24. The mediator helped resolve their longstanding quarrel.
25. The neighbors decided to put their quarrel behind them.



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