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Dictionary definition of rummage

To search through something in a disorderly manner, often with the intent of finding something specific.
"He began to rummage through the fridge looking for something to eat."

Detailed meaning of rummage

When one rummages, they typically move things around or dig through a pile or container in order to locate an object. The act of rummaging can be purposeful, such as when searching for a lost item or looking for something specific, or it can be more casual, as when browsing through a collection of items without a specific goal in mind. The term "rummage" can be used in a variety of contexts, from searching through a drawer for a missing sock to rifling through a pile of papers to find a particular document. It is a versatile verb that describes a common activity that many people engage in on a regular basis.

Example sentences of rummage

1. Whenever I need to find something in my purse, I have to rummage through all the contents.
2. If you rummage in the attic, you might find some old treasures.
3. I hate it when people rummage through my things without asking.
4. It's important to rummage through your medicine cabinet periodically and get rid of any expired medications.
5. I love to rummage in old bookstores, you never know what gems you might find.
6. Before donating clothes, it's a good idea to rummage through your closet and see if there's anything else you want to get rid of.

History and etymology of rummage

The verb 'rummage' has its etymological roots in the Old French word 'arrumage,' which referred to the arrangement or stowing of goods in a ship's hold. Over time, the term evolved to mean the act of searching through a container or space in a disorderly manner, typically with the intent of finding something specific. 'Rummage' embodies the idea of a thorough but often unorganized search, where one sifts through items or belongings haphazardly in the quest for a particular item or information. It conveys a sense of exploration and the element of surprise, as the searcher may stumble upon unexpected discoveries while sifting through the clutter. 'Rummage' remains a versatile term, used in everyday contexts like cleaning out a closet or searching through a drawer, as well as in more specific settings such as archaeological excavations or investigative searches.

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Further usage examples of rummage

1. It's always a good idea to rummage through your fridge before going grocery shopping to see what you already have.
2. I like to rummage in thrift stores for unique and vintage items.
3. Before a trip, it's important to rummage through your suitcase to make sure you haven't forgotten anything.
4. Whenever I'm looking for a specific document, I have to rummage through all my papers to find it.
5. It's important to rummage through your drawers periodically and get rid of any clutter.
6. I love to rummage in antique stores, you never know what treasures you might find.
7. Before moving, it's a good idea to rummage through your belongings and get rid of anything you don't need.
8. It's always a good idea to rummage through your pantry before cooking to see what ingredients you already have.
9. I hate it when I have to rummage through my bag to find my keys.
10. Before starting a new project, it's important to rummage through your supplies and see what you already have.
11. Whenever I can't find my phone, I have to rummage through every room in the house.
12. It's always a good idea to rummage through your toolbox before starting a home improvement project to make sure you have all the necessary tools.
13. Before a big event, it's important to rummage through your wardrobe and choose the perfect outfit.
14. Whenever I'm looking for a specific book, I have to rummage through all my shelves to find it.



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